Thanks for sharing. For the most part, I've seen these addressed before, but somehow these myths continue to persist. Nice to see them all in one place. The worst myth, IMO, is that of task killers and keeping MB free. The problem is that most people are accustom to Windows desktops, where free RAM directly correlates to the performance of whatever program you're looking to open next. Unfortunately, as CVPCS states, keeping memory free is "...a horrible idea and just leads to problems with redraws and instability." This is exactly why I abandoned BB long ago. It had that damn 50MB free at all times script, which meant that if I was using navigation and Pandora at the same time, Pandora would periodically get killed because Navigation needed a bit more memory. The g/f tried to use the browser (nav and Pandora were already running) one time on a trip to look for restaurants along our path...yeah, that didn't go well because the script caused programs to keep getting killed.
Hopefully this information continues to spread around, but with 200,000 new Android activations a day, most of whom I'm assuming are not looking toward the dev community, it'll be a long battle.