There has been an idea that Android fans have suggested for quite some time to help Blackberry... Blackberry should make Android phones to get competitive again. If they could simply make a version of Android that is as secure as Blackberry, then it could revive the sinking company. There have even been numerous rumors for the past several years suggesting that Blackberry was planning (or considering) doing that, but none of them proved to be true.
It looks like the newest CEO of Blackberry has been at least listening to these ideas. In a recent interview with CNBC, Blackberry's CEO, John Chen, was asked about this very topic. His answer was surprising and intriguing,
"We only build secure phones and BlackBerry is the most secure phone so, if I can find a way to secure the Android phone, I will also build that."
It's definitely not an admission that they are planning such a venture, but it's the closest the company has ever come to even considering it publicly. In fact, it could simply be a back-handed way of digging at Android's security. What do you think? Do we have any Blackberry fans who would still like to see the company try their hands at an Android device?
Source: Crackberry