Ive seen a lot of topics about this issue, but no real answers or solutions. i keep getting duplicate incoming sms messages about 85% of the time. before anyone asks, its not a message notification, its an actual duplication of the message itself and the message count increases.
Ive thought it was handcent at first and uninstalled, but the dups persisted. it happens with every rom i flash and dont know if its hardware issues or software, but its making native texting virtually impossible... thank god i have unlimited sms or id be bankrupt
So does any developers or anyone from the rescue squad know what causes this and how to reolve it? could it happen from over flashing roms? i just want to fix it
Ive thought it was handcent at first and uninstalled, but the dups persisted. it happens with every rom i flash and dont know if its hardware issues or software, but its making native texting virtually impossible... thank god i have unlimited sms or id be bankrupt
So does any developers or anyone from the rescue squad know what causes this and how to reolve it? could it happen from over flashing roms? i just want to fix it