ChevyNo1Droid on Twitter
For support - for this BETA - please post questions at the link mentioned on Twitter, which is:
Each release I do, I will rotate my 'primary' site that I post on, and that is the one I will support from. Some of you may not like registering for these other sites - but I cannot support you all on multiple sites with each launch. I hope you can understand that the exposure on multiple sites is good for me, and that the five minutes it takes to register on these 2-3 other sites is worth your time and effort. Given that I spend many many hours on a release, I don't think it is too much to ask
For support - for this BETA - please post questions at the link mentioned on Twitter, which is:
Each release I do, I will rotate my 'primary' site that I post on, and that is the one I will support from. Some of you may not like registering for these other sites - but I cannot support you all on multiple sites with each launch. I hope you can understand that the exposure on multiple sites is good for me, and that the five minutes it takes to register on these 2-3 other sites is worth your time and effort. Given that I spend many many hours on a release, I don't think it is too much to ask

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