Hey guys,
Okay here is my dilema. Back to the start, I had a BBStorm, yeah remember those? It was a year old when I give it to my daughter because I'd gotten the MotoD1...A little while after that, about 6 months, her Storm was bacon in the doggie dish. Then when I upgraded to my DX a year ago I gave her my was in excellent condition. She got that back in Feb of 11. By June the buttons were bubbled and falling off. I got a phone call saying the phone was a piece of junk when I knew for a fact that that phone was in prime condition when I gave it to her. My mother made the call to me because my kid was visiting out of state with them. So, I refuse to use one of our 3 upgrades to get her another smartphone. I have a trashy LG Versa on hand just incase we need to bury the D1 in the backyard with the Storm. But I really don't want to burn an upgrade if she can't keep up the phone and stop doing whatever she is doing to them to kill them. It's just like, she gets them and they fry out, we have 4 burned out cords too...charging cords. I won't even let her use mine, I went out and bought her 2 from the swapmeet.
Actually, I've burned my upgrade last year when I got my DX and am not due for another til January, and burned hers because I lost my DX and needed another phone.
Any ideas? WWYD?
Okay here is my dilema. Back to the start, I had a BBStorm, yeah remember those? It was a year old when I give it to my daughter because I'd gotten the MotoD1...A little while after that, about 6 months, her Storm was bacon in the doggie dish. Then when I upgraded to my DX a year ago I gave her my was in excellent condition. She got that back in Feb of 11. By June the buttons were bubbled and falling off. I got a phone call saying the phone was a piece of junk when I knew for a fact that that phone was in prime condition when I gave it to her. My mother made the call to me because my kid was visiting out of state with them. So, I refuse to use one of our 3 upgrades to get her another smartphone. I have a trashy LG Versa on hand just incase we need to bury the D1 in the backyard with the Storm. But I really don't want to burn an upgrade if she can't keep up the phone and stop doing whatever she is doing to them to kill them. It's just like, she gets them and they fry out, we have 4 burned out cords too...charging cords. I won't even let her use mine, I went out and bought her 2 from the swapmeet.
Actually, I've burned my upgrade last year when I got my DX and am not due for another til January, and burned hers because I lost my DX and needed another phone.
Any ideas? WWYD?