Wifi Tether

Question.. Wifi Tether.apk for rooted users... do any of you find it un stable? or is it my phone?

When I say un-stable I mean I have to stop it and restart it, because it will just stop sharing data with the other devices, and who ever is connected wont be able to do anything.

Is this a phone problem? This stuff usually happens when I'm travelling, not always 4G, and the phone doesn't always give off the best 3G connection either.

I just want to be able to offer this service with no hiccups. Like I wont even tell the people this is my SSID because Its so embarrassing.

I Use Wifi Tether strictly because it allows me to see whose using my device, and I can control who I want to use it and not use it, where as the stock Tether doesn't giving me any info.

Any one in my shoes? Please Help!!

I do have a Galaxy Nexus


I used it with my D1, and again for a while on my Nexus until I loaded AOKP. I never had the problem you talking about. I also never let others tether to my phone. I changed the SSID and login so no one would be able to log on except me. Maybe it's the other users that are having an effect on the operation. I never had more than my Laptop or tablet tethered to the phone so multiple users are really unknown to me.


I used it with my D1, and again for a while on my Nexus until I loaded AOKP. I never had the problem you talking about. I also never let others tether to my phone. I changed the SSID and login so no one would be able to log on except me. Maybe it's the other users that are having an effect on the operation. I never had more than my Laptop or tablet tethered to the phone so multiple users are really unknown to me.

Thanks for the reply.

This is possible.. I am a bus driver and I use the tether for my passengers. its just frustrating when you are trying to please people but it doesn't seem to be working to well in my opinion..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I use one called mobile hotspot that will likely fit your needs. There's also foxfi in the play store.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums


I always had that problem where it randomly disconnect ever since my Droid X and thats staying in one place, I just though thats the way it is.

Im going to try those other two, unfortunely I hardly ever use it(last time was 3 months ago) so I won't be able to return with results.