Where is the Bionic announcement


I'm not worried at all. I haven't seen any advertisements for any upcoming phones and I seriously doubt that all phone manufacturers have suddenly stopped making phones. I'm looking forwarding to seeing what kind of ads they put together for the bionic, but the fact that they haven't advertised it yet doesn't mean much to me.


I think you're a little paranoid, as someone with an advertising and marketing degree; I think motorola and verizon are completely content with all the blog talk about the bionic. people are obviously interested- I'll bet we will see a big push of advertising with about 2 weeks left....

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Active Member
Here's my 2 cents. Notice how Verizon isn't announcing phones? It most like because they don't want people to wait one phones. They just want people to buy them. Notice how samsung hasn't officially announced the SGS2 yet? Sure we think it'll be announced on the 29th but still.

Sent from my now completely stock DROID2 Global :(


I think Moto is upset with Verizon for delaying the launch...CEO said it was built and ready to sell, but Verizon wanted to wait until September. I don't know what Verizon's plans are...but Moto wouldn't be able to advertise it until Verizon OKs it. It seems they advertise a lot more immediately after it is available...we know about it, but the average consumer doesn't know or doesn't care. When they see this slick new phone on TV, then they'll say, "Man that looks great," and go into the store to see/buy it. Advertising early only upsets customers that walk-in and say, "Where is it?"


Silver Member
You're probably right. They know the average consumer doesn't want to wait, so they wait until the phone is released, then spend their advertising money to get people into the stores.


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Phil from AC is saying that Verizon will be making an Announcement on August 18th!!! Could it be about the Bionic or an Announcement about the change coming to Verizon? We have to wait and See!!!



I disagree with some of u on the advertising deal. I seen countless advertisements for the Atrix and the Charge. I thank the Atrix commercialls showed up about 3 weeks to a month before release so I thank we will start seeing stuff soon.

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Verizon wants people to buy the inventory of phones they have now instead of waiting for a phone to be released. If they advertise the Bionic before the release, my guess the earliest we'd see them would be two weeks out.

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Phil from AC is saying that Verizon will be making an Announcement on August 18th!!! Could it be about the Bionic or an Announcement about the change coming to Verizon? We have to wait and See!!!


According to later posts in that thread they are saying its just a promotion for non smart phone customers to get a $100 credit to get a smart phone........not a release announcement. Booooo, I was really hoping we might finally hear something.

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I heard the bionic was relaxing at the pool, so I went. Well, no bionic, but I did enjoy the pool. As it would turn out the pool was a pond on a golf course. Man am I horrible at golf.

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I love this post so much.