Want to say something...


I bought my droid back in March....since stumbling across this site/forum I honestly have to say that (for me) this is the BEST site on the internet for info/roms/faqs/knowledge..etc...that there is PERIOD!

I can't tell ALL of you how much you have helped me gain the most from my phone...

I want to thank all of you!

Anything I have ever wanted to know/learn about my Droid phone ALL has come from here....

My hats off to everybody that contributes...your input/work is very appreciated!

:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:


Premium Member
Premium Member
Thank you for the kind words, it's really the members that make the forum special. We think we have the best people on the internet in the Droid Forums.


I agree. Out of all the sites and forums I have found this one had helped me the most.

Whenever I have asked a question that I felt I was gonna get flamed for because I was asking a noob question, the other members here have been nice and are always willing to help us all out. Thank you to all the people who have helped me out with everything.

Best forum hands down. Not just for droid phones but in any category.

Droid does better than ianything.
The forum has been great to me. It kept me from panicking over simple things and a gave me a great breadth of knowledge. And I still learn something more everytime I log in.


i strongly agree i too have had a bunch of help from this site then i stopped googleing my problem and became a member on this site so i just now post or ask people here if they can help i have yet to find that one person that could not get help awesome site awesome people
I'd just like to say that I feel a lot of love in the room. Maybe it's just me, but it was here a minute ago.

Seriously though, +1 on all the good things, but to contradict Bill, I think the moderators contribute heavily to the quality content of this site and we all appreciate it. I am very careful about anything I do to my phone because it is my livelihood, and I have been able to get the very most out of my phone without ruining thanks to this site. This is exactly what Android should be.


Yeah, the other forums I used to frequent think I died....:icon_eek:
You guys and gals have transformed my "phone" into something with character and a soul..... and definitely a mind of its own...:yr1: