{Theme Release}Blacked Out... PEv4.... Screenshots... UPDATED 1/5

Lame on the resizing... should just "fit".... lol

Does your theme include all the inversion apps? Will it theme only preinstalled apps only? Or can we download postinstall from market and it'll be themed?
It only themes preinstalled apps, once you update one from the market it will go back to the original theme, but that is only for /data apps.... which apps are you asking about?
Just installed Blacked Out over PE4. It doesn't matter what ROM I am trying as long as your themes are available. I am having trouble in the notification screen. Blacked Out is super imposed over "verizon wireless" and I am having trouble getting the VZ to disappear. Any suggestions or should I jump into the PE Forum? Thanks again.
Easy fix, just go into Elite settings where you change the text colors and find the two that change the carrier color. Select each one and change the color to black, then take the alpha (sliding bar) all the way to zero.. reboot and no more "verizon"
Any plans to make available the theme with the "transition" animations? That would be SO freaking cool. Thanks.
Hmm the metickmod version didn't theme facebook while it was in /system/app... had to install the inverted version from the thread... but the PE version themed facebook just fine... albeit without the black background it was still white....
First off, just wanna say great job with the theme! I was wondering though if there was anyway to get a themed music widget like the evolution theme?
I have a FW complete with the new transitions but I need a couple testers before I post it... anybody that wants to try just PM me and I will give you the link... I will be up for a while watching the Hokies spank Stanford...
I am not familiar with that theme, what does the music widget look like?
I like the Hokies because I am from VA... my fav is the Tide... I put out a post earlier looking for testers for a fw with the transitions but no one pm'd me....

Sent just before I "Blacked Out"