Post your Squidly's Rom Screenshots!


I sure cherish my battery life. I'll think about getting rid of it. Thanks.
@tstarks and captain; thanks yaaa

And captian in the second screen ya posted are the icons on the dock from and adw pack or homemade?

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ADW with just a theme from the market.

Does ATK really kill battery like you say?

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Those are minimalist text icon pack I found off-market, I used launcher pro plus to choose custom icons
Thanks adw and folder organizer both have custom icon choice aswell

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Not much going on with my home screen. Everything I need is on my scrolling lp dockbar ;) Squidy got it goin' on with these roms! Thanks Squid!

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Here are two pics of my droid2 rocking Squidly with MIKEYINID's WatermarkD theme



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Its beautiful widgets and its available on the market the skins are installed when you install the theme.