Need to set my phone back to stock without using the usb cable

ok I wasnt able to get my droid to unroot so I went the way of nuking it in the microwave. It fried the screen but the phone still turns on. hopefully that will be enough along with the micro usb port being shot to get a new droid. Thanks for everyones help
ok I wasnt able to get my droid to unroot so I went the way of nuking it in the microwave. It fried the screen but the phone still turns on. hopefully that will be enough along with the micro usb port being shot to get a new droid. Thanks for everyones help

Not true without video :)

Seriously though, that's insurance fraud. You rooted the phone, you dropped the phone, you damaged it. That's not an activity I'd be posting about.
Shoulda just sent it back with the busted USB, it didn't break because you rooted, it broke because it broke.
Rom manager has an un rooted download you could try.

Sent from my Tapatalk using Droid
Egh totally missed the microwave post...oh well...

Sent from my Tapatalk using Droid
Looks like a microwave won't even break the phone though, just the screen, that is impressive.
and i thought my droid got hot running pandora and nav... that dude took nuking it to a whole new level!

I know the term "LOL" is used loosely on the internet, but I actually laughed out loud reading this thread. Oh, and as far as insurance fraud goes, he had a legitimate reason to begin with. I wish a video would have been taken though.
Giving new meaning to frying your phone!
ok I wasnt able to get my droid to unroot so I went the way of nuking it in the microwave. It fried the screen but the phone still turns on. hopefully that will be enough along with the micro usb port being shot to get a new droid. Thanks for everyones help