Navagation seems off...


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
My location is never right with the Droid phone. My LG Dare navigation was much better pinpointing my exact location. Droid <Maps> is 99% of the time way off.

BTW...doesn't matter where I am, city or burbs it's always way off.
do you have the GPS on?

if you're going by 3g then it'll be off and it draws from the closest cell tower.
Yeah, mine's not too hot either. I've got the Ford GPS in my car and it's always good, but the A855 droid is lame. It simply needs work.

If I enter a building I expect it to loose GPS contact, but it should STAY at the point of last contact (and indicate that condition), not start showing other locations miles away.

Have you or anyone found any app out there that shows signal strength and location data for both the GPS and cell network location? Getting a feel for the present signal conditions would definitely be helpful at times.
That's strange because my Droid is accurate to the point that it actually shows what part of my property I'm standing on. Maybe you just got a dud?
That's strange because my Droid is accurate to the point that it actually shows what part of my property I'm standing on. Maybe you just got a dud?

Same here, mine is dead accurate. Have even compared the coordinates to my WM phone running TomTom and the are identical (okay, maybe a few degrees difference).

Now it VERY WELL may be the maps that's wrong. Ever since Google ended their contract with TelNav (or whoever it was) their maps have SUCKED!!!!!! The have regressed at least two years in my location(s).
That's strange because my Droid is accurate to the point that it actually shows what part of my property I'm standing on. Maybe you just got a dud?

Same here, mine is dead accurate. Have even compared the coordinates to my WM phone running TomTom and the are identical (okay, maybe a few degrees difference).

Now it VERY WELL may be the maps that's wrong. Ever since Google ended their contract with TelNav (or whoever it was) their maps have SUCKED!!!!!! The have regressed at least two years in my location(s).

Same here, I its accurate to at least 10 ft for me.
I was about to post this same thing. Worked find and was very accurate when I first got it, but now its off more often then not.
I read up on the GPS.

It seems that if you don't have a clear site to the sky the Droid will go right to the cell tower GPS & we all know that it's not extremely accurate like satellites. I popped my Droid up on the dash today & BAM...dead accurate.


Check both settings in your location/settings : USE GPS SATELLITES & USE WIRELESS NETWORKS.
So, should I return this thing, exchange it? It may be that lots of people that have little or no prior experience with GPS are simply still in awe of the whole concept, but I have some moderate expectations. My car's system works fine. It accurately shows my position within a hundred feet max. (OK, maybe 50m). My droid frequently shows me a mile or more off my actual location. I do NOT leave my GPS turned on, and when I turn it on it's miles off, and if I go outdoors, in a clear location, it doesn't correct accurately or within 10 minutes time. Since I bought a phone/PDA, I don't automatically expect a good GPS, but what's the threshold between "what'd ya expect from a phone" and "defective"?
It sounds like you have a defective unit. My Droid locks on in under 30 seconds and is regularly accurate to within 20 feet or less. I'm also a GPS veteran (I'm a trucker) having used my laptop with a Delome USB setup for many years. I've found the Droid to be just as accurate if not more so. Get it exchanged.
It sounds like you have a defective unit. My Droid locks on in under 30 seconds and is regularly accurate to within 20 feet or less. I'm also a GPS veteran (I'm a trucker) having used my laptop with a Delome USB setup for many years. I've found the Droid to be just as accurate if not more so. Get it exchanged.

Same here...30seconds....GPS Survey :)

Get it swapped out
Thank u!!! I thought I was the only 1- I am SURE my GPS is on, yet it still stinks. I want my VZnavigator back ASAP! I've even bought the 20$ application and it doesn't compare to VZnavigator! That was an app I used I've gone back to mapquest PRINTOUTS from my Computer.
At night, it seems like all the satellites go offline at the same time. I'm on the east cost, and using the GPS Status app, sometimes I have 20 satellites available, other times there's only 1 or 2. This was with clear skies too. I would have expected this if it was cloudy/stormy, but with clear skies only two satellites were available. Aren't they in geo-stationary orbit?
I'm near u...but this will b in the middle of the day. Last week it wanted me to get off I85 JUST to go 4miles out of the way just to get back on i85 ONE exit
Google Maps are useless now....

I'm near u...but this will b in the middle of the day. Last week it wanted me to get off I85 JUST to go 4miles out of the way just to get back on i85 ONE exit

That's the Maps portion of the Nav and NOT the GPS... Google no longer has access to TeleNav data/maps so as a result their maps have been horrible lately (least in many locations).... Here in TN the maps have regressed about 2 years and are all but useless until you get into downtown Nashville.

I can understand there having been legal issues that would have caused them to cancel their contract, but to not have an acceptable alternative defeats the purpose of having a Nav system... This is a know issue/concern that has been posted by NUMEROUS people on Google's 'Help Forums'.... Sadly they apparently are not concerned as I have yet to see any official response to any of the posts by any representative of Google...