iTz_I3urn (Becoming a Deveoper)

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no thats not what I'm digging at... .lol.. and besides I asked him, not you.......
Mbk said:
no thats not what I'm digging at... .lol.. and besides I asked him, not you.......

Lmao like I said ROMs not my expertise xD

Sent from my 2.106 ghz quadrant score 5680 .247 Droid Bionic using Droid Forums
Hey guys there is nothing wrong with a spirited discussion, but continuing to insult the OP doesn't accomplish anything. Have fun in the thread and discuss whatever, but please refrain from insulting the OP. The last thing I want to do is shut down this thread until he has something available. Give him a shot and see what he comes up with. He seems confident in what he is doing so lets sit back and see what happens. You can always throw eggs at him later :)

Kick back and have fun without all the insults. Thanks everyone!
grgguy said:
you must be late to the show ..

I'm working on my rom using a 56 gig hard drive with Ubuntu 12.04 x64

-Developer iTz_I3urn
cereal killer said:
Hey guys there is nothing wrong with a spirited discussion, but continuing to insult the OP doesn't accomplish anything. Have fun in the thread and discuss whatever, but please refrain from insulting the OP. The last thing I want to do is shut down this thread until he has something available. Give him a shot and see what he comes up with. He seems confident in what he is doing so lets sit back and see what happens. You can always throw eggs at him later :)

Kick back and have fun without all the insults. Thanks everyone!

Even then we aren't allowed to throw eggs xD

Sent from my 2.106 ghz quadrant score 5680 .247 Droid Bionic using Droid Forums
alrighty then..... . have at it.....:p I'll expect something soon, or take all the time you need, k?..
hahaha, I'm gonna be nice, because obviously you have no idea...

All I meant by that was that he had already described his new rom and it's contents earlier in the thread. Another member summed it up best with his Touch blur wiz comment
Mbk said:
alrighty then..... . have at it.....:p I'll expect something soon, or take all the time you need, k?..

I'll keep you updated sir

-Developer iTz_I3urn
I honestly am confused as to what you ultimately hope to achieve.. I understand that you are trying to combine a Moto release and a Samsung one to create a JB ROM?
Why? It seems like a waste of time to create things that somewhat already exist.


Sent from my CM10 Edition Bionic
Shhh! Don't spoil this. This thread is epic. The suspense is overwhelming!
I honestly am confused as to what you ultimately hope to achieve.. I understand that you are trying to combine a Moto release and a Samsung one to create a JB ROM?
Why? It seems like a waste of time to create things that somewhat already exist.

Sent from my CM10 Edition Bionic
You forgot the screen with your MEID on it......
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