Is it time to abandon Google Plus?


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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A couple of years ago Google took on the task of creating their own social network and catered their software around supporting it. Unlike Twitter and Facebook, Google plus has not gotten the traction it projected despite all the efforts Google has made. So the question now is with David Besbris vacating his role as head of social and identity, will Google plus continue, or will Google just keep Hangouts and photos and abandon the rest of the project?

Do you use Google Plus?

Why, in your estimation, has Google failed in their endeavor of creating a viable social network?

Source: Amid turbulence Google Plus loses its latest leader 9to5Google
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I abandoned mine a year ago. I think it didn't take simply because everyone was already on FB. I'm not one of those people but I did want to give Google+ a try. It was a waste of time imo. Plus everytime you turned around a new update was completely changing things, so I simply stopped logging in.

S5 tap'n
I just clicked my saved tab for Google+ and had remembered why I pretty much abandoned it; It's a mess.

The layout is a mess, navigating it is a mess, and overall it just feels like one giant cluttered experience (I see there's a layout change possible, but still). They've added quite a bit to it since I last clicked months ago, but overall all I can appreciate is that they added material design to make it look better.

I just think that Facebook has dominated social media so much that it seems a bit pointless to switch over. I mean the same people you get in touch with in Google+ are pretty much the same people you keep in touch with on Facebook. It just seems like Google+ didn't/doesn't have much more to offer than what Facebook already had or anything significantly different really.
I had an invite really early on but I used it for a few weeks and dropped it.
I'm always on G+.. I get news faster than any other spot... It's actually the first thing I check before the forums on Tapatalk... I joined plenty of communities for things such as Nova launcher.. ROM development and general Android sites... it's a must for me...

Tap'd by Big 6
I still use it. I hate the newer versions of it. The tried to be too much like Facebook and changed some of the core features and layouts which really bother me. I really only have one active friend on it. Everything else is news and groups. My biggest issue with it is how you can't organize your albums; I'm talking about top view and not within the folders. Everything is done by date.

To be honest, I have moved away from Facebook and Google + almost all together.
I Have BlinkFeed linked to it. I would only open it up if I seen something interesting. But as of late, I wake my phone and the app is running but just the background of the app Which is sucking the battery life down. So I have uninstalled it and blocked it from doing any updates. Still works in BlinkFeed.

Agreeing with what was said above, you can't enjoy something if they keep changing how you get around the app.
I stopped using all social media around the time it came out. Once in a while I find myself having to use it for an app review or something or clicking a link going to it and it is a disaster. So confusing to read and navigate. Its all just jumbled on there. I think it would have been more popular if it was able to compete with Facebook when FB launched and gained most of MySpace's customers.
Nah, I don't use it for posting anything, but I use it to follow some Android developers and some other nerds! Also, I use the "Sign in with G+" vs "Sign in with Facebook"
Google+ is battery hog!!
I disabled it and don't miss it..

Sent from my rooted Vzw LG G3 on a couch in Portland Oregon
I use G+ all the time, photo share is allot easier then any of the others. Differently then FB, Insta, and Twitter. G+ is more my tech news source, FB has turned into everyone's place to get on a pedestal, Instagram is celebrities, and Twitter is useless.
G+ is the only 1 of the 4 that I have the app installed on my phone. The others I use the browser.
Folks complained incessantly about the lack of privacy when posting whine fests on Facebook. G+ cured that with their offering but nobody of the social media bloviating about how much their life sucks could get any traction because their "friends" didn't join in to see them urinate and moan about everything , thus no instant take off by the social media diva crowd.
Google+ reminds me more of a news section of a forum than a social media medium. It's great for news but for sharing what you had for lunch or ugly duck face selfies not so much.

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On G+ but I am simply unable to get any of my friends on it. I begged and pleaded and a couple actually joined...and promptly went back to FB. G+ is far superior to FB. I can't believe anyone here doesn't like the layout: I LOVE it and think it looks simply gorgeous on a TAB/Phone.
People are just too entrenched in FB. If I got 20 of my people to switch, they all have 100's of Friends on FB... how to get them to switch, too?> It's an impossible task.
If only they would make Farmville\Candy Crush into a G+ game, too. ;)
I hate G+ with a passion. It's just not going to be another Facebook or anything like that. Google was really pushing to rival it but I'm sorry, it just can't. I honestly, find it to be a bit annoying. The only reason I still have it is because I don't have time to get rid of it and I follow some of the websites but that's it. I certainly could do without it.

Folks complained incessantly about the lack of privacy when posting whine fests on Facebook. G+ cured that with their offering but nobody of the social media bloviating about how much their life sucks could get any traction because their "friends" didn't join in to see them urinate and moan about everything , thus no instant take off by the social media diva crowd.
Google+ reminds me more of a news section of a forum than a social media medium. It's great for news but for sharing what you had for lunch or ugly duck face selfies not so much.

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Hah! I so agree!