HELP! accidentally deleted IMSCServer from Droid Bionic



YESSSSSSSSSSS VICTORY!!!!!!!! Trying the same with my problem using the backup of Yahoo Contacts you gave me, one sec.
Just let me know because I think it did not work until I used the backup I had from root uninstaller so if it does not work for you Ill send you that apk file.


Just let me know because I think it did not work until I used the backup I had from root uninstaller so if it does not work for you Ill send you that apk file.

When you restored the backup in TB, did you restore just the app or app+data?

Edit: Hmmm TB seems to be frozen at Restoring App+Data, can you go ahead and send me that backup of Yahoo Contacts from Root Uninstaller?
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I wish I could help but Idk how to get to the .odex file on my comp and I did not need it when I restored.


Yeah thats probably not it, just curious how long did it take you to restore the app, maybe I'm just not waiting long enough. Also, do you remember if you restore app or restore app+data?


I just remember hitting it and hitting restore it happened fast. It just said restore.

Nothing I've tried works, might be because it's not my original .apk or something, oh well... now I need to decide if I want to return the phone or just wait for some better options to come out.

Also I just want to say this whole situation reflects very poorly on Motorola, they must have done something to make it more difficult to load/restore system apps on the Bionic, I probably won't be buying another one of their phones in the future... and I've owned a droid, and a razr before that.


I have a feeling its always that difficult if deleting the app the way we had. I would not worry to much though if you can stand to wait the modding community for the droid brand phones is very strong. I'm sure the bootloader will be broken soon enough and you can install a rom and replace the system apps folder nice and easy. Besides the screen I'm pretty pleased with the phone as a whole, I have always enjoyed Motorola's phone designs.


I think there's actually something up with the TB backup of Yahoo Contacts you sent me, cause when I try to restore it it keeps creating a differently named file in the system/app folder than the .apk backup you sent me from root uninstaller... Could you try backing it up again in TB and see if anything is different than the first time? It's my last option, pretty much.


Ah nevermind, I think I'm just screwed. Thanks anyway.

It seems like there's going to be some ROMs released soon, maybe even this weekend. I can't wait to remove all this verizon/motorola bloatware off my system for good.
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Ah nevermind, I think I'm just screwed. Thanks anyway.

It seems like there's going to be some ROMs released soon, maybe even this weekend. I can't wait to remove all this verizon/motorola bloatware off my system for good.

You and me both brother, I hope Cyanogen mod comes out relativity soon they take a pretty long time to come out with Roms for new devices though.


Nothing I've tried works, might be because it's not my original .apk or something, oh well... now I need to decide if I want to return the phone or just wait for some better options to come out.

Also I just want to say this whole situation reflects very poorly on Motorola, they must have done something to make it more difficult to load/restore system apps on the Bionic, I probably won't be buying another one of their phones in the future... and I've owned a droid, and a razr before that.

Silly. It does not reflect poorly on Motorola ; it reflects poorly on a user who deleted system apps before having a proper backup or sbf available.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


Silly. It does not reflect poorly on Motorola ; it reflects poorly on a user who deleted system apps before having a proper backup or sbf available. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
In case you haven't been paying attention, even with a proper working backup it's unusually difficult to restore system apps on the Bionic, seemingly impossible in my case, and I've seen threads in other forums with this exact same issue. And this has nothing to do with the sbf file.

Edit: Here's a link to a thread showing exactly what I'm talking about:
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