From Razor to Droid


New Member
OK I never understood how anyone could get so hooked on a phone but WOW, I love my Droid. I tried a Storm for 3 days and sent that POS back:byestorm:. So, can someone point me to a thread explaining how to access the vaunted SD card.

Droid Newb!


DF News Team
Premium Member
plug your phone into your usb port. go to the notification pulldown on your droid, and enable USB mass storage. drag and drop like it's an external HD :D


New Member
Morning all newbe here upgrade from razor to droid x. LOOVVIINNGG it. Just have a ton of questions. From e-mailing pics from phone. To apps that manage/ turn off unused apps on this phone to conserve battery life. Watching video other than you tube. This is kind of new to me so Fred Flinstone has finally caught up with the Jetsons. Any comments are welcome.