Droid Bionics "unfixable flaw"?

I no means do I mean any disrespect to any of the guys that reported this on the other Forum.. I take all information as rumor until I find proof of it.. Or other sources prove that it is true such as Verizon or Motorola... This is just me... After going through the headaches I have had with the Storm1.. I am keeping an close eye on the Bionic as my Next phone.
I think the first problem was that people actually paid attention to unsubstantiated rumors from HOWARD FORUMS

That site hasn't been exactly a plethora of knowledge since the Nokia custom blue LED days.

Not to mention this quote from engadget "First, as best we can tell, the sources are two posters in a HowardForums thread, one of which doesn't even have the information firsthand -- he was allegedly given the news "by someone who is testing the devices."

Way to take these rumors and run with it.

Overheating unfixable?
Worst case scenario (no hardware modification) - Underclock the CPU

Lols...........what happened is that xbernaut made the statement. Then CZ had a discussion, via pm I'm assuming, with xbernaut and then posted what was said.

So all this info is coming from the same Guy. CZ was only posting what was told to him by the ORIGINAL source...xbernaut.

Droid--->ether--->this thread
Mortiel what constitutes credible to you since it's subjective?

Is it an accuracy %? i.e source has 99.9% accuracy or does credibility come from actually knowing the person? What constitutes credibility for you?

There us no such thing, if we want to get philosophical... Credibility is subjective. Subjective means its a fabrication of our conscience, and fabrication, when put into a context with credibility, is rendered a paradox, since fabrication is seen as a synonym to falsehood.

However, my own vision of credibility is what I can personally conceive through logical interpretation of sensory input. This, I should add, is also notably fallible.

Answer your question?

Device: Samsung SCH-I400 Continuum

Yippee SKIPPY!!!! Someone wants to play with words.

Lets play :icon_ devil:

Credibility is a measurement of one or more person's perception of another persons presentation of either shared, and agreed upon, facts or individual perception of an event in their life.

There is no fabrication involved. Perception, by definition, is each persons take on a set of events that has occurred. If enough people agree on the conditions of the perception it becomes a shared event that is then considered fact within that group. If this event is repeated enough times that a very large group shares this common perception it is the elevated to the status of permanent fact. IE the Sun.

The only fallibility that can occur is thru one of four conditions.
1) The person relays the perception incorrectly with malice. IE lies.
2) The person relays the perception of a staged set of events. IE fooled.
3) The person relays the perception without providing all the details. IE forgets.
4) The person relays the perception without seeing the complete event.

The first and second are of malicious intent. One being controllable and the other not. The third and forth are the ones that causes the most confusion for a group of people. Because when the event repeats itself, the regained information for the perception puts doubt on the original perception. This can usually be resolved thru a group discussion. IE 7 witnesses to the same event filling in all the details and another group verifying the accounts until fully reconciled.

So there is such a thing as creditability. The reason for that is simple and I will provide the best example possible.

Creditability - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The word and its definition is perceived by everyone reading this as fact.

So much for "There us (sic) no such thing".
what i find curious is that so many people were so willing to denounce and denigrate what was said by one person, even tho he has provided reliable info in the past. the basis?? some other guy at Endgadget said something else; and Moto said there is no flaw; and Sanjay Jha said that the Atrix/Bionic will be released in lateQ1/lateQ2. (i would point out that Jha previously said Moto would release a dual core in 2010, and then later changed to say in early 2011, and now it looks to be later, still.)

i'm with Preach. we have some conflicting info. the only way to tell is to wait until the phone releases. but, because we have some info of a possible flaw, it only makes sense to proceed with caution re: the phone, and make sure that it is reliable and functions properly before shelling out a bunch of coin for it.
Can I make a suggestion:

The device is not even out yet. This pendulum has gone back and forth for the past few weeks. Lets wait until it is out and in the hands of some real users and then form judgment. It could be a big issue or a no issue, my game plan is not to be the first to buy but to sit on the sidelines and wait to see if it really is fixed or worth wasting an upgrade on.
Great idea. However, I am also glad for the heads up because I'm a first day type of guy. Now I can know not to get it on the first day out.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I'm all for getting information on devices well ahead of time. Better to be a well informed consumer. But thats just me : )

I'd rather pass on a device or wait than jump on it right away and deal with issues.
I'm all for getting information on devices well ahead of time. Better to be a well informed consumer. But thats just me : )

I'd rather pass on a device or wait than jump on it right away and deal with issues.

I will not get this device right away!!! I learned that the hard way with the Storm 1... I will wait at least a month after the release to see what problems come up.. If it has a lot of problems then I will make another choice.
I'm all for getting information on devices well ahead of time. Better to be a well informed consumer. But thats just me : )

I'd rather pass on a device or wait than jump on it right away and deal with issues.

I will not get this device right away!!! I learned that the hard way with the Storm 1... I will wait at least a month after the release to see what problems come up.. If it has a lot of problems then I will make another choice.
Oh man Preach I feel REALLY bad for you : ) Storm 1

You probably get cold sweats anytime you buy new tech now lol