Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice


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Official title released for DC's 2016 follow up to Man of Steel. Thoughts?​


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Not bad!



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Not bad!


I think you have something on your nose :p.


Personally I do not know how I feel about the title. I mean I love the batman v Superman and definitely digging the logo. I just hope they do not use up more than 5mins of the movie setting up Justice League (ie Iron Man 2 and Amazing Spiderman 2) that they miss the golden opportunity making this the best possible movie this can be. Unlike Marvel where they had a strong Iron Man movie to build upon WB has nothing as Man of Steel had mixed reviews. They need to bring it home and make this movie one that people not only talk about but can not wait to see again. Do that and they have the chance to make money not only off Justice League but off their other titles like Shazam, Green Lantern, Aquaman, or Flash which can even translate into money for their lesser known titles (ie like Marvel is doing for Guardians of the Galaxy). Do it wrong and you get the George Clooney Batman & Robin treatment (Batman & Robin - Rotten Tomatoes).


Active Member
Sorry for the language.. WTF is with the damn Batman Logo?? You have to make the batman logo that fat? even on the suit.. jeez..


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Rescue Squad
Sorry for the language.. WTF is with the damn Batman Logo?? You have to make the batman logo that fat? even on the suit.. jeez..


^its from Frank Miller's Dark Knight return. But I agree I would prefer the logo and suits from the Arkham games personally.


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Rescue Squad
We are all completely devastated that you don't like it. I will personally see to it that DC cancels the movie because "Gremlin" doesn't approve

Calm down :D there are a lot of people who are not familiar with Frank Miller's dark Knight returns so they may not catch those subtle things. Plus personally even though I did like frank millers dark Knight story line I hope Zack Snyder only base his story arc loosely on it as I really do not want to see old man Batman out there trying to start a justice league. Batman is already a loner he is now going to be grumpy yelling at the younger league member for being too loud. Be in the tower napping while the rest of the team is getting their faces caved in by Darkseid .
I love Batman but I have to admit I am a little nervous especially after I read "tired and weary". I would have felt better with " experienced Arkham asylum " Batman.
But I am think it is too early to panic. Let's give them a chance to show us their story and we will tell them how we feel with the box office numbers. Because it will be going head to head with captain America 3 and captain America has a lot of momentum after the awesome job they did with the winter soldier.

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As a Superman fan..

As a HUGE Superman fan, I'm pretty upset about the fact that WB is so intent on catching up with Marvel that they decide not to properly address Superman as a standalone hero. Their logic is purely money-driven. They decided to throw all the characters they can, starting with their two cash cows in the headliner, into the "Man of Steel sequel".

I'm afraid this movie is going to be solely for the purpose of establishing Batman and setting up the Justice League movie. I think Batman is awesome as a standalone character. I think Superman is awesome as a standalone character. But almost any time they've been put together, Superman is nerfed and dumbed down (especially in the Dark Knight Returns, which the Batman suit is based off) to idiotic levels. The Justice League: War and The Dark Knight Returns come to mind as prime examples.

I think pitting the two heroes against each other, as the title suggests, would be an injustice (puns, anyone?) to both characters and their fanbases.


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Rescue Squad
As a HUGE Superman fan, I'm pretty upset about the fact that WB is so intent on catching up with Marvel that they decide not to properly address Superman as a standalone hero. Their logic is purely money-driven. They decided to throw all the characters they can, starting with their two cash cows in the headliner, into the "Man of Steel sequel".

I'm afraid this movie is going to be solely for the purpose of establishing Batman and setting up the Justice League movie. I think Batman is awesome as a standalone character. I think Superman is awesome as a standalone character. But almost any time they've been put together, Superman is nerfed and dumbed down (especially in the Dark Knight Returns, which the Batman suit is based off) to idiotic levels. The Justice League: War and The Dark Knight Returns come to mind as prime examples.

I think pitting the two heroes against each other, as the title suggests, would be an injustice (puns, anyone?) to both characters and their fanbases.

Well, as I said in another thread, good luck trying to convince us that an " older" Batman can stand toe to toe with a kryptonian who just got done snapping general zod's neck and mopping the floor with the other kryptonians with armor. But now an old human with a metal suit is going to be able to really put up a fight. Yup OK looks good in the comics and cartoon but unless batman is part kryptonian do not see how this is going to work out on the big screen. See marvel made Thor a little more grounded and even then iron man was getting his armor kicked (and to make a point it was clear that not only was Stark's iron man character smarter than Thor but had time to prepare).
So how do DC in a cinematic universe put on a fight that makes sense and can carry a movie when marvel Thor iron man lasted maybe 5 mins and superman man of steel movie zod fight lasted what 15 mins of throwing each other through buildings before a neck got snapped. To be honest the only way this movie can work in its entirety is if superman and Batman have a common enemy that make them have to put up with each other like a braniac or someone major.
But there are smarter people in Hollywood who are getting paid a heck of a lot more than I am to figure that out.

Oh and supermandroid you know Batman is just that much smarter :p

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Rescue Squad
by the way.....

How Batman fans see this fight

how Superman fans see this fight

how the rest of the world see this fight


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The even bigger question is.. With B A doing batman.. No matter how well written.. Can he pull off a batman that is able to toe up to Superman.. At any age... In daredevil.. I had a really hard time thinking he was good in that role.. He just doesn't exude the inner strength that one needs to play batman... But IMHO neither have a lot of actors they've put in the suit.. I'm not a huge fan of any Batman except Keatons.. And I was a young boy when that came out..

One other point.. Super man did just get through with the battle with zod and the kryptonians.. But he's also just learning his powers... I'd look for that to be put into the movie.. I think they will use the fact that he's still developing his abilities..

As per an aging batman.. Is it possible that with the new actor in the suit.. They'll try to pass the Cape? Batman has to be Bruce Wayne though..

But not in the cartoon my son watches.. Is this a possibility?? Idk.. Thinking out loud here..

My take on the movie... Batman will take a beating.. One heck of a beating... But superman's inexperience will play into an older wiser dark Knights favor... But of course it will be close.. And we're going to see a lot of new toys from Wayne Enterprises... A lot.. Batman isn't going to really be able to toe up... He's going to have to use distractions and out think the sheer power that is superman...

Of course.. I'm wondering where the kryptonite will come from.. But at least with all of the money Bruce Wayne.. At least we know how the person had the resources to acquire it...
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