I notice with Verizon they often times will have special plans or features which are not online or known to the public. You have to ask. So I'm curious what everyone has and whats there average bill. So heres my bill and features:
3 lines (1 test line), FAM loyalty 450 min share plan and unl mobile to mobile.
550 text n pic messages and unl mobile to mobile 5$ each line.
Unl data 29$
And 5gb data 24$ (2nd line)
Average bill is 130$
Thanks for replies. Maybe someone will have something that will help someone else.....
3 lines (1 test line), FAM loyalty 450 min share plan and unl mobile to mobile.
550 text n pic messages and unl mobile to mobile 5$ each line.
Unl data 29$
And 5gb data 24$ (2nd line)
Average bill is 130$
Thanks for replies. Maybe someone will have something that will help someone else.....
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