Will I be satisfied?


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Long "Life" story short. Been on AT&T for the iphone but hated their costs and crappy service (loved the phone though, as most people). My family has Verizon so I purchased the Storm and after much tinkering I just don't think I can be effective with it. It is just too cumbersome and the apps suck! Called Verizon today and got a 1 year update deal on the droid, otd around 270. Hopefully I will be satisfied with it and it doesn't come with the screen wobble!
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Yes you SHOULD be satisfied alfmoonspace but then again not all devices are for everyone. It's really just a preference as you know.

From what I can tell though from being on this site is that there are a lot of maniacal Droid owners. Not me of course. I don't go crazy over how damn bad a$$ this phone gets the more I use it and expand my app library. Not at all.

Welcome aboard.
Yes you SHOULD be satisfied alfmoonspace but then again not all devices are for everyone. It's really just a preference as you know.

From what I can tell though from being on this site is that there are a lot of maniacal Droid owners. Not me of course. I don't go crazy over how damn bad a$$ this phone gets the more I use it and expand my app library. Not at all.

Welcome aboard.

haha, probably won't be me either. I love verizon's service but before the whole android rush, their phones just flat out sucked. So I hope that the Droid changes that. Thanks for the welcomes and I hope to contribute to the forums! :greendroid:
Dude's, this day has gone to way too fast, I was on my driod all day! I do have to say it is a freaking nice machine with only a few gripes! Its like an iphone but better in someways and if you really think of it, how much trouble did the iphone have for a while after the release? A ton, so I just hope that Google doesn't abandon the droid and leave it to dust.

The only thing we got to switch applications is holding down the home button?