Droid newbie


New Member
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys and gals,

I'm a new Droid owner. I did some research between this and the iphone and almost went with the iphone except that AT&T service sucks. I have a work phone with AT&T and connection is terrible, plus most of our family members have verizon so we figured this was the best deal for us. However, we do have several itouch's in the family and we love the games and apps the itouch provides.

With that said, I purchased 2 new Motorola Droid and i gotta say they are awesome. Love the features and sleek appearance and just playing with it in general. Still learning it tho, thus I find myself on this forum. It's been helpful already as I read the thread on how to create and learned how to do a"speed dial" widget.

I'm a detective in a large metropolitan police dept. I'm laid back, easy going, and I look forward to learning about other apps and things I can do on my Droid. Loving it so far!

Hey guys and gals,

I'm a detective in a large metropolitan police dept. I'm laid back, easy going, and I look forward to learning about other apps and things I can do on my Droid. Loving it so far!


First welcome to the world of Droid and the forum.

So, do you use a Dragnet ringtone? :icon_ devil:
Welcome, dosorio911! Glad you've decided to join us! You'll find that everyone on the forum is here to help and learn. So jump right in and make yourself at home! Read, read, and read some more. You'll be amazed at how much you can teach yourself by just reading the threads. Hope you enjoy your time here and if you get stuck or need some help, don't be afraid to ask!
