Whats the best way to learn how Android works with unused phone.


Sep 30, 2010
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My wife upgraded her phone, so I got her D-2. If I wanted to go ahead and learn all about the process for everything, what would be the recommended way to learn with the unused phone? Any tips would bbe awesome.

Btw, my current level is experienced noob. I can sbf, root, make boot animations, and have a little expierence with adb. And install zips through bootstrapper.

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Are you trying to learn the droid 2??? Im not sure what you mean you say you are a noob but you can do all of those things. Noobs usually have trouble with just rooting. So please explain a little more!
I meant just learning android, and more specifically the coding process in general. Like, if I have a force close, and I read the log, and it says "fatal error at javascript line 45" (not that exactly, but the general gist) how to fix it. Or, maybe decompiling an apk, then changing colors around, and recompiling then enjoying.

I said expierenced noob. I can do the basics, now I want to learn the inner workings.

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Also, I'm heading to bed now, will let the thread sit over night, then check while at work all day

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Here is a link to learning how to code in android.

The Developer's Guide | Android Developers

BTW, taking this step is like going from "experienced noob" as you put it to expert programmer in android, since you seem to want to fix every software crash that arises. I'm just warning you that this is a fairly large undertaking, and you will have to learn the entire coding process in depth to be able to debug already written programs.