Something new on the horizon?
I have a Verizon SGN. It's a POS. Save your money. Stay away from Samsung...
musclemilk said:With this and the maxx going on sale....something is coming
Unfortunately I, like many others, bought into the hype that the SGN, the first phone with ICS, was gonna be the Holy Grail of all Android phones. Needless to say, it failed miserably.
If you live in an area that has a strong 4G signal, and never plan to travel out of that “safe” zone, you might be able to get by. But if you often spend time in an area that has a spotty 4G signal (like where I work), then the SGN’s software issues with switching back and forth between 4g and 3g will drain your battery in a mere 3 to 4 hours. Tops.
And the ICS 4.04 OTA update that’s supposed to remedy these radio software issues? Here we are FIVE months after the SGN’s release, and STILL no OTA update. Kinda defeats the purpose of even owning a “Nexus”, doesn’t it?
And that neat little desktop cradle which uses the SGN’s side-mounted charging pins that was shown to us in January? Once again, FIVE months later and still no sign of it at Verizon or Samsung.
And the SGN’s 5 MP camera? While it may take “decent” outdoor photos, the pics that it takes indoors are miserable. The HTC One X’s indoor photos that I've seen blows the SGN’s away!
Its only $50 with a new contract. Its still like $150 with an upgrade on say a family plan. That's really not anything spectacular. If it was $50 when upgrading then yeah that's pretty cool. Its 150 on every site except Verizon's actual site. Wirefly...etc
I am also..getting mixed signals about this phone. More then half the population of people love it. Even more once its rooted and modded, another portion hates them. Is it like a turf war Razr vs Nexus thing or are these phones actually not that good. I heard no middle ground its either AMAZING from some or TERRIBLE from others....
PLUS +...I am allowed an upgrade so lately I have been stuck trying to decide like so many other people.
If you don't mind I respectfully disagree with all the points that you, essentially, make. For clarification what I took your overall problems with the Nexus to be were:
-4g/3g draining battery
-Software updates
-Accessories yet to come out and
-Camera quality
Firstly I'd like to say that, as someone who has owned several Verizon 4g phones (Bionic, Charge, Razr, Rezound, and Nexus), 4g/3g go between isn't an issue solely on the Nexus. In fact this issue is on every 4g device and if you look in the sub forums devoted to those specific phones you'll see debates about how to solve this issue. Most people set their phone to function solely on 3g to help with this while others turn off the "mobile network" and use wifi where they can. Doing stuff like this is just a part of owning a smartphone. In addition a phone like the Razr Maxx may have a huge battery and last all day but we have the advantage of swapping batteries. If battery life is so terrible try having a spare battery (it really isn't a hassle). On the topic of updates I don't really have much to say because I don't feel that the update is so important that I need it soon. As for the cradle I also have little to say because I do not feel like I need it. However on the topic of the camera I have to say that this camera is amazing. I used to own a droid 2 which is also 5 megapixels and there is a noticeable quality difference between the two. Not to mention that the other phones that I mentioned owning never took spectacular indoor photos as well. I mean lets be fair here it's a phone not a camera. You also compared it to the HTC One x's picture quality for in-door photos. Where did you see these photos or did you take them yourself? And let's be real here you're comparing an 8mp camera to a 5mp camera. To close I'll just say that out of all the phones I've ever owned the Nexus is by far the nicest.
As someone who has owned both a Razr and Nexus, I say go Nexus. The best advice I can give though is going to the store and trying them both first hand. However the main selling point for me on the Nexus is its responsiveness. It has proved to be the quickest and most reliable phone for me so far. Not to mention the battery is removable should something happen to it.