Verizon Plans to Discontinue 1-year Contracts Effective April 17

Cost cutting? Yeah right.

Then please show me what I'm saving as the consumer - I'm still paying out my rear for service. You saved money by this? Pass it on and lower the plan rates! I dare ya ...
Not to mention how odd it is, at least in my eyes, that in this day of total market saturation with new cell phones releasing every 3 months in several different flavors from the same manufacturers, they'd want to try and lock you into a two year contract in which you can't upgrade for until month 20?

Maybe they know there's far too many people (like a friend of mine...) that is willing to pay a company over 150 dollars for nothing more than getting out of their current contract AND STARTING ANOTHER WITH THE SAME COMPANY! It's ridiculous!

Don't fret, the next big thing will be Contract Initialization Fees ...
This is terrible news. One of the things that was keeping me on VZW was the 1-yr contracts and if they is gone, then that sucks like darn.

I was just the other day looking at AT&T's 1-yr contract policy and it doesn't seem to exist - at least not on their website. Can anyone enlighten me as to whether or not AT&T does 1-yr contracts? And how they work?

This is all that it takes....
"Give people the best that you have and get them HOOKED! Then, you can do whatever you can take it away little by little and they won't go anywhere."

Look at the Gas Prices...they can raise them up to 6 dollars and people will still go to the gas station...Big Red has its customers right where they want them...and then having the best phone service (the least calls dropped), why would its customers go anywhere else? Especially when they end up with the BEST Androids.
I use Voip so dropped calls don't matter as much to me anymore. Verizon doesn't have the BEST Androids. They don't have this amazing device coming out this summer. Sprint has the BEST ANDROID SMARTPHONE AGAIN. HTC EVO 3D - Full phone specifications
To all of you jumping off The Verizon Ship!! Don't be surprise if by the end of the year Sprint and AT&T will follow suit...
To all of you jumping off The Verizon Ship!! Don't be surprise if by the end of the year Sprint and AT&T will follow suit...
This was the point I was also trying to get across...the grass is not always greener on the other side. Someone just posted a few posts up that they can't even find anything about 1 year contracts on AT&T now.
To all of you jumping off The Verizon Ship!! Don't be surprise if by the end of the year Sprint and AT&T will follow suit...

You're probably right, but AT&T (the only other option for me besides VZW) - if they offer 1-yr plans, still not certain about that - won't cancel them this month. I can get a Galaxy 2S on a 1-year and see how that goes. If they suck, I can go back to VZW the following summer, when the new 3ghz quad cores are rocking.
To all of you jumping off The Verizon Ship!! Don't be surprise if by the end of the year Sprint and AT&T will follow suit...

You're probably right, but AT&T (the only other option for me besides VZW) - if they offer 1-yr plans, still not certain about that - won't cancel them this month. I can get a Galaxy 2S on a 1-year and see how that goes. If they suck, I can go back to VZW the following summer, when the new 3ghz quad cores are rocking.
You'll pay $20 for less than a GB of data and no 3rd party apps with AT&T???
I've been with Verizon since 99" and always signed 2 year contracts due to the lack of knowledge I guess.

In 2005 I went to Alltel for 2 years do to my location at the time before Verizon acquired them and was happy with the overall switch. At that time, I was not a huge freak about smart phones so the 2 year plans worked. The phones were cheap and well frankly, if one broke, they were easily replaced.

Now we are at present times, I am a technology freak, love my phones and love to update my phones to the newest things. Last year was my first year signing a 1 year contract because of the the quick advancements in the phones and always wanting to stay on top of things. At that time I got a droid1 and over the course of the year, I have seen the DX, D2 and others come out that I liked, but stuck with my droid due to being able to root them and getting almost the same performance out of my droid as the DX and D2 with the ROMS and kernals we use today.

With that being said, 1 year contracts have been beneficial for me do to the fact that I am able to, in a couple months or so, to look at the duel core phones that are coming out. If I was stuck in a 2 year contract, with the advancement in phones today being in short time periods, meaning phones coming out every 3-4 months, I would not be able to look at or possibly get one of these phone till next year. This would suck!

My point, part of a company's business model is about the customers and the service that they provide to customers. (or at least it should It just seems to me that they are taking away these services that benefit the customer.

I would really like to see the phone prices come down then since you know people will want to replace them at one point in the middle of their "2" year contract. Or at least make the dam plans a little cheaper or the contract buy out. Something. This is a "relationship" anyway you look at If you take something, give something back darn it!:woot:
I never got 1 year contracts so I don't really care. Plus after a year you can always do an early upgrade for an extra $20, and I've done that a couple times already.

I don't think Verizon does early upgrades anymore. You may get one more if you signed your contract before this January, but its the last early upgrade you'll get.
Oh yes they do! I just did it on Tuesday to get the TBolt. I am locked into unlimited 4G for the next 2 years, and if I don't like my TBolt after year one, might just get another 4G phone on the same plan for year 2.

By 2013, Verizon should have a better feel of the tiers and have made it more sensible for users. Blast them all you want, but EVERYONE on here who has had their phone for a year is eligible for an early upgrade for $20.

People just need to chill out. Verizon is not trying to screw us all. They provide a good service, and they are going through measures to make sure that people on their networks are not abusing said networks.
I never got 1 year contracts so I don't really care. Plus after a year you can always do an early upgrade for an extra $20, and I've done that a couple times already.

I don't think Verizon does early upgrades anymore. You may get one more if you signed your contract before this January, but its the last early upgrade you'll get.
Oh yes they do! I just did it on Tuesday to get the TBolt. I am locked into unlimited 4G for the next 2 years, and if I don't like my TBolt after year one, might just get another 4G phone on the same plan for year 2.

By 2013, Verizon should have a better feel of the tiers and have made it more sensible for users. Blast them all you want, but EVERYONE on here who has had their phone for a year is eligible for an early upgrade for $20.

People just need to chill out. Verizon is not trying to screw us all. They provide a good service, and they are going through measures to make sure that people on their networks are not abusing said networks.

That was your last early upgrade so you're stuck with the Thunderbolt for 20 months. Whoever told you that you were getting another one probably lied to you.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
ya, beardface is correct. Don't get hung up on the NE2 not being available anymore. Totally different subject.
People just need to chill out. Verizon is not trying to screw us all. They provide a good service, and they are going through measures to make sure that people on their networks are not abusing said networks.

Unfortunately, each and every move they have made as of late disputes that claim. How does canceling one year contracts prevent network abuse?
I don't think Verizon does early upgrades anymore. You may get one more if you signed your contract before this January, but its the last early upgrade you'll get.
Oh yes they do! I just did it on Tuesday to get the TBolt. I am locked into unlimited 4G for the next 2 years, and if I don't like my TBolt after year one, might just get another 4G phone on the same plan for year 2.

By 2013, Verizon should have a better feel of the tiers and have made it more sensible for users. Blast them all you want, but EVERYONE on here who has had their phone for a year is eligible for an early upgrade for $20.

People just need to chill out. Verizon is not trying to screw us all. They provide a good service, and they are going through measures to make sure that people on their networks are not abusing said networks.

That was your last early upgrade so you're stuck with the Thunderbolt for 20 months. Whoever told you that you were getting another one probably lied to you.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk

I'm eligible for an early upgrade for $20 right now too, or I can wait until the end of July for my NE2. However, from what I have read, both of those are the last that I will even get under what Verizon has announced so far.
my take

I have been with Verizon since they were Bell Atlantic early 90's ? Anyway I have thought about hopping ship once or twice. Then I look at the crappy coverage that sprint has or I hear from other engineers who use AT&t and complain about dropped calls. I hope that Verizon lowers the cost of there plans. The thing is since this is a work phone I cannot have any problems. Thing is you cant beat Verizons coverage and service, yes I wish they would lower their prices.I have used my phone for work all over the US and you know what it always works.