Verizon Getting Massive Hits


Super Moderator
Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Tallahassee, Fl
I'm sure as most of you are aware, the verizon site is spotty at best right now. They are most likely getting record hits on their site, or a DDS attack from the isheep ;) lol. Either way just be patient. If you start to get upset, just come back here and you can look at a few more posts while you wait.
Good Idea!

I'm sure as most of you are aware, the verizon site is spotty at best right now. They are most likely getting record hits on their site, or a DDS attack from the isheep ;) lol. Either way just be patient. If you start to get upset, just come back here and you look at a few more posts while you wait.
While verizonwireless might be up, it appears their "E-store" is not. Well spotty at the moment really.
Just sit back read the forums for alittle and try again in like 20 minutes
doesn't help much either that the front page of yahoo has a nice little advertisement that the Droid has been deactivated : )
A little slow, but everything is working!
I can't get there using firefox or opera this morning. I am also using Wildblue and that always seems to have problems with Verizon's site
I can't get there using firefox or opera this morning. I am also using Wildblue and that always seems to have problems with Verizon's site
7:54am in nyc...i did order my droid last night. trying to get on to order the 2 desktop docks but in a 'connecting' loop...just not even getting through on it. will try again later.