Please do your part and sign this electronic petition.
Let your voice be heard.
Sign Groubal With a Tweet
{{ WugFresh }}
The message bellow is irrelevant to signing groubal with a tweet:
PC747 message below:
For those who do not know the motorola petition site, groupal, has been hacked. When a person clicks on it, it introduces malware. So as a result we have removed all links to that site. And will remove the links from sigs. Please if you see a link pm us so we can make sure no one clicks and messes up their computer. We would like to find away to continue to reach out to motorola to get those bootloaders unlocked but we need to find away to do so without our members being at risk for viruses. For now we will keep all links to those sites off until we know they are safe for our users. If you have another way to continue to get the bootloaders unlocked feel free to discuss. But please do not link off forum to support a cause with out pming a mod or admin first.
This was not Groubal specific. The ip's hosting the malware were TAKEN DOWN so this hack is no longer a threat at ALL.
The attack was international and fully automated.
Even the site itself got attacked.
It's a mysql injection attack for sites with forms, or ways for users to input data into the database.
For more information:
That is an article. Please leave the link mods. It explains what is going on and does not jeopardize anyones security because it is not vulnerable to the attack it speaks of.
Please follow me on twitter for updates @wugfresh
You can still sign the petition right now with no malware because the ip's of the sites hosting the malware have been shut down.
The vulnerability still remains for many sites. I will post more info as I receive it.
Let your voice be heard.
Sign Groubal With a Tweet
{{ WugFresh }}
The message bellow is irrelevant to signing groubal with a tweet:
PC747 message below:
For those who do not know the motorola petition site, groupal, has been hacked. When a person clicks on it, it introduces malware. So as a result we have removed all links to that site. And will remove the links from sigs. Please if you see a link pm us so we can make sure no one clicks and messes up their computer. We would like to find away to continue to reach out to motorola to get those bootloaders unlocked but we need to find away to do so without our members being at risk for viruses. For now we will keep all links to those sites off until we know they are safe for our users. If you have another way to continue to get the bootloaders unlocked feel free to discuss. But please do not link off forum to support a cause with out pming a mod or admin first.
This was not Groubal specific. The ip's hosting the malware were TAKEN DOWN so this hack is no longer a threat at ALL.
The attack was international and fully automated.
Even the site itself got attacked.
It's a mysql injection attack for sites with forms, or ways for users to input data into the database.
For more information:
That is an article. Please leave the link mods. It explains what is going on and does not jeopardize anyones security because it is not vulnerable to the attack it speaks of.
Please follow me on twitter for updates @wugfresh
You can still sign the petition right now with no malware because the ip's of the sites hosting the malware have been shut down.
The vulnerability still remains for many sites. I will post more info as I receive it.
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