We just barely missed this news yesterday afternoon, but we wanted to make sure we got it out to you anyway. Verizon has officially confirmed that the Droid RAZR, RAZR Maxx, Droid 4 and HTC Rezound will have global GSM roaming functionality "activated" in them sometime this summer. This means that some of the best 4G LTE phones on Bid Red's network will now be able to roam across international networks. Additionally, Verizon also confirmed that these phones are currently SIM unlocked, which makes things much easier for using overseas carriers. Here's a quote from Verizon,
Customers will see a notification on their device when the software update is available for their device. After the software update, customers will be able to take their smartphone overseas and use voice service in more than 220 countries and receive data in more than 205 countries.
Verizon didn't give a specific date for when this feature will be turned on in the devices, but we will keep you apprised when they do. I wonder why Verizon was being sneaky about it to begin with. Perhaps they had some technical hurdles they hadn't quite overcome yet.
Thanks to all of our tipsters that shared threads on this topic previously!
Source: Verizon