Update 3: We replaced the pic from earlier with a Motorola video of ICS in action on the RAZR.
Update 3: We replaced the pic from earlier with a Motorola video of ICS in action on the RAZR.
According to released support docs and the webpage at the Motorola source link below, Android 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich will begin rolling out today (June 22nd) to the Droid RAZR and RAZR MAXX! Besides the obvious benefits of Ice Cream Sandwich, there are some additional features that Moto is adding to this update: a four-way lockscreen shortcut, refreshed notifications, global roaming, a smart actions app update and more.
Sound off in the thread when you get yours! dancedroiddancedroiddancedroid
Update: Verizon's own news page now confirms that the rollout will start on June 22nd!
Thanks for the tip, nikecar!
Update 2: Thanks to another tipster, we have some more info to share regarding this update. One other cool and interesting new feature that this update brings besides ICS is that it will make your RAZR or RAZR MAXX a Global device! You can see more details here: UPDATE: Android 4.0 ICS News for DROID RAZR and DROID RAZR MAXX Owners | The Official Motorola Blog - Motorola Mobility, Inc. USA.
Source: Motorola and Verizon News Page