Upgradeable to 4G?


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Las Vegas
I don't know if anyone will know this, but I heard from one of the employees at the Verizon store a little while back, before I was thinking about the Droid, that sometime in 2010 Verizon will be broadcasting in 4G.
When that happens, will the Droid be upgradable to 4G?
4g is a hardware update, so no. Further, 4G(LTE for verizon) will not be fully rolled out for more than a year. We are looking at the last of the 3G only phones, I think.
4g is a hardware update, so no. Further, 4G(LTE for verizon) will not be fully rolled out for more than a year. We are looking at the last of the 3G only phones, I think.

This is exactly right. Its a hardware issue not software. LTE is gonna be sweet though!
The rumors are that if/when Verizon gets the iPhone next year it will be on their 4G network. I assume at first there will be sparse coverage. The Droid should last me till they build up the network to a respectable level.