Update may be coming

went to about -> update but nothing happened :-(
It's said the update brought us new kernel and baseband versions

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
From post on motor owners forum

Baseband changed to N_03.18.29P
Kernel changed to w30471@il93lnxdroid42#1
System Updated to 5.6.890.XT862

here is the BIG news to date:

*** Gtalk has allow video option in it now

Edit: looks like only that one person has got this update. He is on an eval phone. But its still early in the day.

Edit: update probably gonna roll out slowly. Also Moto forums deleted the post i pulled that quote from. and the forum doesnt let you post anything info on updates or updates themselves. So terms of the site you will get the update when moto gives it to you. Hopefully we can get a leak and send it to the the ones who can maybe use it for root.

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums
From post on motor owners forum

Baseband changed to N_03.18.29P Kernel changed to w30471@il93lnxdroid42#1 System Updated to 5.6.890.XT862

here is the BIG news to date:

*** Gtalk has allow video option in it now

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums

That would be nice. There is no reason for GTalk to not work with the DROID 3, it meets all the requirements. Hopefully this can fix some battery life issues and the random reboot issues some are having.
Video chat for gtalk works according to the guy who got it on the moto forums, unfortunately this update is only for test-phones and not the general public yet.
From post on motor owners forum

Baseband changed to N_03.18.29P
Kernel changed to w30471@il93lnxdroid42#1
System Updated to 5.6.890.XT862

here is the BIG news to date:

*** Gtalk has allow video option in it now

Edit: looks like only that one person has got this update. He is on an eval phone. But its still early in the day.

Edit: update probably gonna roll out slowly. Also Moto forums deleted the post i pulled that quote from. and the forum doesnt let you post anything info on updates or updates themselves. So terms of the site you will get the update when moto gives it to you. Hopefully we can get a leak and send it to the the ones who can maybe use it for root.

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums

Yeah my main reason for being excited about an OTA update is that hopefully some of the awesome developers can use it to root this sucker.
I was just going to call about the 3G issues today in hopes that enough of us say something so we get an update. Hope this comes soon. My Cell Standby runs about 37%, my wife's 47%. Way higher than our OGs.

Sent from my Hitchhiker's Guide mark 2
I was hoping for the next update to maybe unlock the bootloader... but I guess that is hoping for to much haha. although I read that the Moto Photon on sprint recieved an update that unlocked the bootloader so maybe eventually we will get it, now Im just hoping the update fixes camera issues as well as video chat and maybe the constant reboots stop as well!!
Sounds like it is an update for the test phones only, no telling when it will reach us.
Sounds like it is an update for the test phones only, no telling when it will reach us.

Yeah i'm really bummed about this, on the bright side it means they're testing an update which should eventually end up on our phones( or in the hands of our developers ):D:D
I want google talk with video, that's the half reason I bought this phone