Apr 28, 2011 8:57 PM
Gingerbread coming, signs point to yes
This question is Assumed Answered.
As mentioned elsewhere (with a mistake, I might add), I've got a friend who's beta testing Gingerbread for the D2G. He was testing Froyo maintenance updates, but recently Moto switched the entire beta program over to Gingerbread.
After a couple of cable updates for that version, they started the OTA loads. He switched to that load at that time and found a 30% battery improvement. He was quite shocked and pleased. There were a couple of new loads later, and he's been on the same one for about 4 weeks, now. There's another release out there now, and he has no idea on how close it is to being released to the public.
As always, there's a chance that this release line might never make it to the public, but things look pretty good according to him.

Tags: beta, gingerbread, d2g
Gingerbread coming, signs point to yes
This question is Assumed Answered.
As mentioned elsewhere (with a mistake, I might add), I've got a friend who's beta testing Gingerbread for the D2G. He was testing Froyo maintenance updates, but recently Moto switched the entire beta program over to Gingerbread.
After a couple of cable updates for that version, they started the OTA loads. He switched to that load at that time and found a 30% battery improvement. He was quite shocked and pleased. There were a couple of new loads later, and he's been on the same one for about 4 weeks, now. There's another release out there now, and he has no idea on how close it is to being released to the public.
As always, there's a chance that this release line might never make it to the public, but things look pretty good according to him.

Tags: beta, gingerbread, d2g