Unwnted syncing between phone and tablet...help!


New Member
Oct 31, 2013
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I apologize in advance. I'm not very good with this sort of thing and I'm in over my head with this phone! In a nutshell, I was having a conversation with a girlfriend about things of a sensitive nature (via FB messenging, not IM) and my 12yo daughter was using the tablet using HER user ID and her FB. I was signed out of the tablet completely. My FB convo was visible while she was on the tablet and I wasn't signed in. A couple weeks ago she also was able to see my email account activity as it was happening but I thought it was because I must not have logged off but now I realize my phone and tablet interface whenever I'm using my phone online..Yikes!! Obviously, this is not acceptable. Any ideas?? If you can help, please understand that I am TECHNOLOGICALLY CHALLENGED so keep it simple if possible. I appreciate any help. Thank you in advance....
Phone is a Samsung Galaxy S4 tablet also a Samsung.
What kind of tablet do you have and what version on Android is it? If you're on the latest update you are able to setup different profiles.

Go to "settings" -- Users -- add profile/user
I am come a cross to your site and found it according to my need and demand.