Tsf shell


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone try this launcher out yet? If so, what are your impressions and how smooth is it on bionic?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Yeah I went for it, I've been waiting anxiously since it was first shown...I didn't think it would even be released. Overall, I'm very satisfied. It does seem like a good handful of features in the video aren't available yet, I'm really exploring and trying to find ways to make it work, but no luck yet. And the wallpaper system is really screwy, almost nothing is supported it seems or I'm doing something terrible wrong. The app drawer could use some work for sure, but the fact this thing is more or less 100% lag free, it doesn't seem like a chore to have to swype instead of just press. It's actually kind of fun when you get the hang of it.

It is pretty awesome though, still messing with it now. Using it on my Rezound.
Awesome. It has been getting mixed reviews so i am very curious cause i have been waiting for it for awhile too. Might have to give it a try.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Heres a video someone made, it really doesn't even touch on half of whats possible or any of the current problems. But give it a few more hours and I'm sure there will be plenty more. Most of people's complaints are about something that was in the video but not this release. So if you're expecting full functionality out of the box, then you might want to wait.
I wanted to give it a try. But when I go to the market it says not compatible with my device. Probably has to do with the fact that I'm using an ics ROM. Hopefully at some point it will be compatible.

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I went ahead and bit the bullet and am i glad i did. Very customizable launcher. And i imagine will only get better with time and updates. This should keep me happy until ics is released.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
It says its not compatible with my Droid bionic. I'm on eclipse 2.0.

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That sucks. Im stock 902 not rooted. Sure they will make it work with root in no time.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Ok, so I was getting impatient. I bought TSF on my Droid X because its compatible with that, then used root explorer to pull it and transfer it to my bionic. Everything works fine. It even responds faster on my bionic than my X.

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Cool. I finally rooted yesterday so I lost my tsf. It was cool but I now have ics so I think I'll live.

sent from my rooted ics bionic
Really? TSF isn't compatible with a rooted Bionic? That's lame.

Coming from a near-perfect GoLauncher experience, I have to say, it is INCREDIBLY smooth. A flow unique to other launchers. I don't think I've had a single hiccup when it comes to any sort of lag. I do have several other complaints though, a lot of which I'm sure will be in an update soon enough, others I'm doubtful of. So fluid though, and very navigable IMO.

But overall I love it, I love just flipping through screens and admiring my setup and aimlessly tweaking little things. Obviously it's biggest selling point is its plethora of customization options. But I feel like it stops there. Now that I'm all customized and set up it just seems...over. No swype gestures, no live wall papers, bottom buttons become all but useless among other issues, and I'm questioning the price tag considering the limitations on potential. Basically, it's an unfinished product that was rushed, probably because they needed money to further update it. However, I'm confident they will. And when they do.....totally worth it.
I am a little bummed that I paid 17 and can't use it on this rom. I did flash back to blur yesterday and still had it as launcher. So it still works while rooted.

sent from my rooted ics bionic
Really? TSF isn't compatible with a rooted Bionic? That's lame.

I'm rooted and running eclipse 2.0 and I have no problems running TSF.

No trees were harmed in the posting of this message. However, a large number of electrons on my DROID BIONIC were terribly inconvenienced.
It is odd. The tsf widgets show up but the tsf launcher is absent from system while running this rom. Any ideas?

sent from my rooted ics bionic
Anyone try to sideload the apk after flashing new rom? I can see MAYBE it not being compatible with ICS but even then i would think they missed the plot if they didn't future proof their new and outrageously expensive wip app.

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