Yesterday evening I managed to walk into a pool with my phone in my pocket. My hand went to my pocket immediately and I pulled it out of the water within about 4-5 seconds, it did get completely submerged.
When I got it out of the water the screen was blank except for a horizontal line or 2 and then the phone was off. The phone was very much near dead before it went swimming.
It was immediately wiped off, but it was a bit of time before it got into a bag with rice as I was nowhere near home. It was in rice for close to 24 hours.
I've seen videos of people submerging the RAZR in water for 3x the amount of time mine was submerged, and the phone never even powered off, those vids gave me a bit of hope. After I set it in rice for almost a day, I attempted to plug in, when I plugged it into the wall the white light at the top left came on for a second or two, then turned off. From what I've read a steady white light means the battery is completely dead??
The phone is currently back on rice.
Did I try to plug it in too soon and it's a goner? Or is there something else I can do?
Thanks guys.
When I got it out of the water the screen was blank except for a horizontal line or 2 and then the phone was off. The phone was very much near dead before it went swimming.
It was immediately wiped off, but it was a bit of time before it got into a bag with rice as I was nowhere near home. It was in rice for close to 24 hours.
I've seen videos of people submerging the RAZR in water for 3x the amount of time mine was submerged, and the phone never even powered off, those vids gave me a bit of hope. After I set it in rice for almost a day, I attempted to plug in, when I plugged it into the wall the white light at the top left came on for a second or two, then turned off. From what I've read a steady white light means the battery is completely dead??
The phone is currently back on rice.
Did I try to plug it in too soon and it's a goner? Or is there something else I can do?
Thanks guys.