Trouble creating Exchange Account


Active Member
Feb 26, 2010
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I have entered all my information into a new Exchange Account setup screen. On the last screen it asks for a name for the account and I enter the name and click Finish and it fails to create the account, asking me to try again later. It auhtenticates the user settings so it is making a connection to the server (I know this because it fails when I use the wrong passwrod...yeah...fat fingers dont work so great on virtual keyboards).

What gives? The only thing I see as a potential problem is my old Droid had an option to accept any security certificate, even non-secure certificates. The TB doesn't have that option. We use a home grown certificate on our servers so it could be a problem. But I would think it would come back with an error that says it doesn't like the certificate...and it doesn't. Just says unable to create account, try again later.

I have a rooted Droid and use Exchange. I had no trouble with the corporate email app until last December. Apparently, Google changed the apk and it created issues with Exchange. I solved by purchasing Touchdown. Not sure if the same holds true on the TB.
I have a rooted Droid and use Exchange. I had no trouble with the corporate email app until last December. Apparently, Google changed the apk and it created issues with Exchange. I solved by purchasing Touchdown. Not sure if the same holds true on the TB.

I also have a rooted droid. I have been using the Corporate Exchange app for over 17 months with absolutely no trouble. There has never been a need to use touchdown to solve a connection problem with Exchange server. There have been many IT pros who were unable to set up the connection, but no need for Touchdown.

No...this is an issue specific to this particular Thunderbolt or the Thunderbolt/Sense in general. I am starting to think it has a lousy antenna. My connection to the internet was just lost completely. I may have to take this phone back to Vz and get a new one.

Nevermind. I went upstairs and connected to a different wireless router and it connected just fine to Exchange Server. Guess I need a new wireless router for downstairs.

As a side old Droid never had a problem with 3G inside this building. This new TB gets one bar on 1G service. I think I will swing into the Vz store on the way home. Maybe it's just a bad phone.

Same problem you were having

I am new to the this forum and found your post. I am having an identical problem. I have only worked with blackberrys and had no problems.

I have gotten as far as you and it errors. I hit finish and it will not setup the account. I don't understand about the wireless I figured if it's hotspot capable and has internet I shouldn't have a need to retrieve a wireless signal. Are you recommending I go to a wireless area and pick up that signal to set up the account? Can you help this newbie?

Do you access your mail on your computer? If so, use the same settings for your phone.

What email app are you using?
I use outlook with exchange here in the office. If you mean outlook web access yes I do.

I have tried those settings as well to no avail.

Like I said just like Nate's post. I get through the domain and server name and user and p/w without error. It asks me if I want to push email, calendar, etc. then you click finish setup and it say please try again later????

I will get a hold of the users phone and try to get a wireless router signal to it and try to complete the setup?
I do not believe the signal is the problem. Check with your IT folks to see if you need a VPN or if they have the configurations different for wireless.
Do you have data turned on in the settings? Go to Settings, Wireless and Networks, Mobile Networks and he sure Use phone for data connection when wireless is unavailable is checked. Below that is the Mobile Networks settings. Go there and be sure all the data settings are checked.

If you don't have a good 3g or 4g connection, be sure you have a good wireless connection. Open a browser and be sure you can surf various websites.

Does your server require SSL Certificates? Is so...did you check that box in the exchange setting? Is the certificate set up properly on the server? Any other mobile devices able to connect using the same settings you are?

still not working

Thanks for the tips. I went into mobile networking and turned on data like you said. I set up a wireless router on the phone and that works.

Unfortunately the exchange account still keeps coming up try again later.

Yes I am check marking the ssl certificate box.

Thanks again for your help. Verizon has not been able to help me at all.
Have you tried not checking the SSL box? Just for S&Gs?

Also, make sure the security certtificates are properly set up on the exchange server or the ignore client certificates is checked if it is a home grown certificate on the server. Androi8d doesn't know how to handle homegrown security certificates and only works with trusted sources. So the IT department can either pay 150 bucks per year for a trusted cert or turn off the client certificates as I suggested.

Without a proper handshake the two devices won't communicate. But if you got to the last screen it seems like they are handshaking at least.

As I said, my problem went away when I got a proper internet connection. My 3g inside my bulding is lousy at best and it was failing on the very last step.

Something esle to consider...if you're using the wireless connection and your router or lan requires a static ip address you can set that up in the wireless settings, click menu and then advanced. Make sure you put in the IP, Gateway and the DNS servers. I have to do this at work...unfortunately at home I use DHCP so I have to uncheck that box when I go home and then recehck it when I go to work. Bit of a hassle...but that's android for you.

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I just found a link to a exchange connectivity tester I tested our exchange with various

accounts and found port 443 is not open. So I am forwarding the test results to my IT

to configure the exchange settings to work. I will let you guys know the result.

Thanks again for the help.

I just found a link to a exchange connectivity tester I tested our exchange with various

accounts and found port 443 is not open. So I am forwarding the test results to my IT

to configure the exchange settings to work. I will let you guys know the result.

Thanks again for the help.


Well...that is the port used by Exchange for SSL so it has to be open in order for you to get a connection for the handshake. The earlier step where it verifies settings uses a completely different port. So that makes total sense. Is this the first mobile device that has tried to connect to the exchange server at your workplace? If so, there may be other settings your IT department needs to verify. Make sure they have the Active Sync policiues set to allow your device to send and receive the right types of data.

Yes this is the first device. I had tried previously with a droid x and it didn't work so we returned it for a blackberry.

Yes I am curious what settings my outsourced IT comes up with to adjust exchange to work.

Any information is appreciated.

It's actually fairly straight forward. Once Active Sync is enabled on the Exchange server (assuming 2003 or newer version) it will automatically open the ports needed. But setting up the SSL certificates can be a challenge. If they buy from a trusted source it will work seamlessly but if they are cheap (like me) they will build their own cert and then have to set up "Ignoe Client Certs" in the outgoing send connector. They may also want to make a policy for the clients and apply those through the individual client mailboxes.

If you share this post with them and they scratch their heads after reading it, then go buy a Blackberry. LOL Most IT professionals will know what to do once you point them in the right direction.

Blackberry probably uses the old POP3/SMTP settings to completely by-pass the Active Sync on the Exchange server. It works but it is less secure. For instance...good luck wiping a remote device when it gets stolen or lost. Also...Blackberry knows how to handle a non-trusted security certificate but Android doesn't. Android wants to promote Go-Daddy cuz they have hot commercials.
