

Nov 21, 2010
Reaction score
Here is a link to about 20+ themes ported and original for Rubix 1.9.7 and Blurry that also work on the new 2.0. No screen shots but you will have the names at least to google them. Enjoy and thanks to Wugfresh on the droid x forums for putting these all together.

WugFresh - Successful Ports Repository
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please port

:icon_ banana:could you please port DXSerenity4rubixRED 1.9.5 for rubix 1.9.7 or 2.0 please i really like this theme. thank you.:icon_ banana:
MC 7, That's a "PRICELESS" thread you got going here..All of the Most SIKKEST Themes for the ELITE DX Roms under one Umbrella..Nice Find:)
This is a sweet list but I tried to dl some a few days ago with no success. Are they all working? Sure would like to know the dev for each theme as well.

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What Wug is doing over there is great...However, those themes are not complete and I think the thread title is a little misleading. They are not successful, or complete by any means. They do not have any xml edits, and most if not all are gonna have issues.
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