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[THEME RELEASE] * EpicBlue n Bold for Liberty 1.5 or 2.0x - DX Only!


Beta Team/Marty McFly
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Please if you like my work, and to support future releases!

As with any theme or modification, I am not responsible if you brick your phone. ALWAYS make a backup!

This is for Liberty 1.5 or 2.0x for the DroidX ONLY!! You can install this directly over existing versions of EpicBlue!
Droid 2/Droid 2 Global users click here!

-boot into recovery via clockworks bootstrap
-select "install zip from sdcard"
-select "choose zip from sdcard"
-find and select EpicBlueLiberty1.5-2.0x_DroidX_ONLY.zip
-reboot (May sit at your bootscreen for a bit [up to 5 minutes] if you had the clockless mod before)

If you have Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader or Google Talk installed from the market, as well as any updates to GMail, you need to uninstall them PRIOR to installation of this theme.

DroidX Users Only!!
Download EpicBlueLiberty1.5-2.0x_DroidX_ONLY.zip - Mediafire
- Dropbox

Extras, Patches & ToDo List can be found in post #2
Main Screenshots can be found in post #3
App Screenshots can be found in post #4

***Wallpaper pack will be installed to your sdcard in the /LibertyPapers folder***

**APKs included in this theme, other than framework-res.apk & SystemUI.apk
AppWidgetPicker (credit Mbk)
Calendar (credit to bowers for inversion)
Camera (Blur Version)
(Fixed version, correct icon callouts in menus)
Facebook 1.5.2 - Get 1.5.4 from Post 2 (credit to bowers/bgill55 for inversion, thanks xkape for the help)
(credit Mbk for Frames)
Gmail v2.3.4.1 (inverted by ecsnead69, further combined effort of Mbk & Myself)
GoogleQuickSearchBox (credit Mbk for backgrounds)
GoogleReader (credit to for the inversion)
GoogleVoice - only the Icon
LatinIME (Blue Glass Keyboard Graphics by Adrioid, big thanks)
LauncherPro - Get 0.8.6 from Post 2.
MusicMod 1.8
(Eliot Stocker app from the Market)
- (Black chrome by Adrioid, turned blue by me)
(credit to B-Boy and CorinaCakes for inversion)
Twitter 2.0.0 - Grab 2.0.2 from post 2. (credit to bowers for inversion)
Vending v2.3.6 available for download in Post 2 (Credit to thebowers and other themers for initial inversion of this app, Mbk for theming it blue, icons from me)

**If you want other APKs themed, you can install an app by one of the other fine themers for those APKs, then install my theme over theirs to get the EpicBlue part
*Color Codes are: Light Blue ff0099ff; Regular Blue ff0066cc

Extra Credits:
Team Liberty for making the best ROM out there for the D2/DX
Mbk - Thanks for everything you taught me, I wouldn't be near where I am without your help.
theBowers - Thanks for your icon stock! This theme would be nowhere near as amazing without it!!
Alastrionia - Ideas and inspiration for crazy things to put in the theme
xkape - For the hours we put in working on Facebook
Manup - Notifications Bar (bottom one)
draya1986 - a few icons
GregTard - a few icons
TheSwagger - Beta Tester
Flazell - Beta Tester
Turnout01 - Beta Tester
And anyone else who helped me get to this point.
Please if you like my work, and to support future releases!

As with any theme or modification, I am not responsible if you brick your phone. ALWAYS make a backup!


-Twitter 2.0.2
Install via Recovery, no need to mount /system. Make a backup!
Download Twitter202.zip

-Facebook 1.5.4, LauncherPro 0.8.6 and Twitter 2.0.2
Install via Recovery, no need to mount /system. Make a backup!
Download Facebook154-LP086.zip

-Market 2.3.6 - I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH, MAKE A BACKUP PRIOR TO INSTALLATION!! That said, I didn't have any issues installing it over my themed 2.3.4 version. But if you run into issues, check out the Market Problems thread in my sig, then once you go through that, if you still have issues, post them up in this thread.
Download Market_EB_2.3.6.zip - Update.zip, install via recovery, mount /system.

-Clock/Clockless Mod (to remove or readd the statusbar clock) Do not apply all, pick either clock or clockless when you get the options, you may have to do this twice, and your phone may take up to 5 minutes to boot after applying this. Next boots will be back to normal.
Download MMLibertyClockOnOff.zip / MIRROR - Metamorph & Go!

-MetaMorph Font Pack (Font used in screenshots is called "Ming") Pick the font you want from the list, do not apply all. You may have to do this twice.
Download MMSkaggsSystemFontPack.zip - Metamorph & Go! (Credit Skaggs)

-Speedometer style Battery icons - The originals came from a GalaxyS theme, and was passed to my by amosavitas, so Credit to whoever actually made it. Can be used with any Froyo Rom (or rom's with GB parts, but not full GB)
Thread - This can be used on Any ROM, Any Theme, so long as it's not Gingerbread. As a precaution, ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP!!

-Stock Swype - DROID X ONLY
Download StockSwypeDX.zip - update.zip, remember to mount system when you get to recovery.

-SwypeBlueChrome - DROID X ONLY - Just in case you want to go back to it - Credit Adrioid for making the BlackChrome version, I modified it to fit my theme.
Download SwypeBlueChromeDX.zip - update.zip method, don't forget to mount system when you get to recovery.

-Swype Black keys Blue Letters Metamorph Theme (again, credit to sneaky_zekey)

Download Swype_Black_blue_keys.zip - Metamorph & Go!

-LauncherPro Docks - Find the one from the screenshots in the preferences for LauncherPro, under Appearance/Dock Background


More broken glass icons here and here (second set credit to Jim_777).


-Fix for Black Textfields - Only need to flash if you downloaded the theme within the first 4 hours of release, otherwise theme zip is updated!
Download EBnBTextfieldFix.zip / MIRROR - flash in recovery, no need to mount /system

Task List

Theme looks wicked as heck. I want to flash so bad but I am at work so I do not want to mess something up while not having access to a PC. Great work Stetsonaw and thanks for the hard work.
Of course dude! And what do you need a PC for?? Download zip, make a backup, install and enjoy! Just make sure to read the instructions and heed the Market warning in post 2 (hence the reason it's not in the theme zip). Post up if you have any issues, and what you think after using it!
Awesome, glad you like! And thanks for reminding me to put the tip in the OP about where the Wallpapers are located!

Wallpapers can be found in /sdcard/LibertyPapers
Well I flashed and very very impressed. The only thing that kind of, again kind of bothers me is in the browser the text in search bar is a bit hard to see but again not that big of a deal. Awesome theme man, and thanks again.
BAH!! thought I fixed that! I'll try to get to it sometime this... i'll do it now.
Here you go Nordy, flash this. Mounting /system NOT required.

This link will be added to Post 2, and the theme zips will be updated within the next 20 minutes.