This theme took some time. Sorry for the delays. I won't be making all of the different color variations due to time and money constraints so you guys are stuck with green and blue for now lol. This theme is based off my original Black Bar Theme as well as Nextheme from Manup, and some tweaks from Sephtin's BBM.
Credit to Manup, Sephtin, Drod, and everyone else in the mod community!
I present to you, Black Juice Green v2.1 for rubiX Focused 1.8
As always, be sure to do a full backup before installing. If you encounter any errors clear cache. Install via Bootstrap Recovery, Choose Install zip from SD, browse for file named, Install. Reboot and enjoy! Wallpaper attached below! Please check back for updates!
* I run LauncherPro as my home, The dock background I made, its attached below "juice-dock.png" Save the Image to your SDcard, open LP Pref > Appearance > Dock BG > Custom > Browse for the file named juice-dock.png > set > Enjoy!
** Change Log from Black Juice for rubiX Focused 1.6 **
- Adjusted lock screen
- Colorized Buttons (no more dark grey)
** UPDATED 11/19 - Adjusted Battery Icon Color to "Android" Green (sorry about that, stupid LCD Profile) Also adjusted buttons slightly, you might like the "Pressed" buttons better
If you like my work and want to help keep this theme going please Donate <3
Enjoy Guys! :icon_ banana:
Credit to Manup, Sephtin, Drod, and everyone else in the mod community!
I present to you, Black Juice Green v2.1 for rubiX Focused 1.8

As always, be sure to do a full backup before installing. If you encounter any errors clear cache. Install via Bootstrap Recovery, Choose Install zip from SD, browse for file named, Install. Reboot and enjoy! Wallpaper attached below! Please check back for updates!
* I run LauncherPro as my home, The dock background I made, its attached below "juice-dock.png" Save the Image to your SDcard, open LP Pref > Appearance > Dock BG > Custom > Browse for the file named juice-dock.png > set > Enjoy!
** Change Log from Black Juice for rubiX Focused 1.6 **
- Adjusted lock screen
- Colorized Buttons (no more dark grey)
** UPDATED 11/19 - Adjusted Battery Icon Color to "Android" Green (sorry about that, stupid LCD Profile) Also adjusted buttons slightly, you might like the "Pressed" buttons better

If you like my work and want to help keep this theme going please Donate <3
Enjoy Guys! :icon_ banana: