I never remember any one mention this I just tried it and works well in process of moving no internet and tried tether , never worked on old D-1
but works well on D4 why is it not talked about
I just pluged my phone into the computer with the mini-usb cord from the charger went to settings and turned on
tether, and the comutter uses the 4G VERY well and cruizes the net probably better then my wirless connection at home
no app needed the computer runs Win 7 and reconized the phone as a internet connection ---works well for me
you have to plug in the phone to computer before this option is available
but works well on D4 why is it not talked about
I just pluged my phone into the computer with the mini-usb cord from the charger went to settings and turned on
tether, and the comutter uses the 4G VERY well and cruizes the net probably better then my wirless connection at home
no app needed the computer runs Win 7 and reconized the phone as a internet connection ---works well for me
you have to plug in the phone to computer before this option is available