Hey everyone,
I figured I'd post this thread in the CVPCS forum since it is/was my "home" ROM for the Droid 1.
I will not be theming or updating/porting any of my themes for the forseeable future to newly updated ROMs.
It's time for a break. Over the last few weeks things in my personal life have changed and my free time to make boot animations and themes has become extremely limited. The last several months, Android has been consuming my life basically and it has taken it's toll. So I need to get things in order again or else the Mrs. will be very unhappy lol.
As all the themers know, it can be very time-consuming, not only to make an original theme, but updating to new ROMs and new versions of apps as well...no to mention fixes/bugs the original port had in it.
I don't feel I can do my best work with the time I have available and supporting a theme is definitely out of the question.
I do, however, want to let all themers and up and coming themers know that the work I have contributed thus far is free for you to port/update on your own. I give full permission to use my work in anything you may want to use in the future.
My two orginal themes, Executive Series and Gem Blue is fair game for anyone to use.
My 3rd theme, Red Rum 2.0, was based off of bgill55's original Red Rum theme. So for at least that one, please ask bgill55 for permission to use that in an update/port. Purely out of respect for him and his awesome work and contributions to the community.
For all of them, I ask out of respect to give credit in your posts to any elements of my themes you have used.
Regarding my boot animations, feel free to use them, mash them up, remix...whatever.
Theres a few of them included in my themes and others are scattered throughout the forums.
I hope you have enjoyed what I've contributed to the theming community. It's been real fun learning all this stuff about our phones and hacking in general.
Droidforums.net is a great place for all kinds of information and the staff here, IMO, does a great job at bringing us content for everyone to use.
I'll still be visiting this site to learn more and help out where I can, but on a limited basis.
Thanks for all your inspiration and kind comments pertaining to my work. I truly appreciate it.
Hopefully I'll be able to make a triumphant return in the future!
I figured I'd post this thread in the CVPCS forum since it is/was my "home" ROM for the Droid 1.
I will not be theming or updating/porting any of my themes for the forseeable future to newly updated ROMs.
It's time for a break. Over the last few weeks things in my personal life have changed and my free time to make boot animations and themes has become extremely limited. The last several months, Android has been consuming my life basically and it has taken it's toll. So I need to get things in order again or else the Mrs. will be very unhappy lol.
As all the themers know, it can be very time-consuming, not only to make an original theme, but updating to new ROMs and new versions of apps as well...no to mention fixes/bugs the original port had in it.
I don't feel I can do my best work with the time I have available and supporting a theme is definitely out of the question.
I do, however, want to let all themers and up and coming themers know that the work I have contributed thus far is free for you to port/update on your own. I give full permission to use my work in anything you may want to use in the future.
My two orginal themes, Executive Series and Gem Blue is fair game for anyone to use.
My 3rd theme, Red Rum 2.0, was based off of bgill55's original Red Rum theme. So for at least that one, please ask bgill55 for permission to use that in an update/port. Purely out of respect for him and his awesome work and contributions to the community.
For all of them, I ask out of respect to give credit in your posts to any elements of my themes you have used.
Regarding my boot animations, feel free to use them, mash them up, remix...whatever.
Theres a few of them included in my themes and others are scattered throughout the forums.
I hope you have enjoyed what I've contributed to the theming community. It's been real fun learning all this stuff about our phones and hacking in general.
Droidforums.net is a great place for all kinds of information and the staff here, IMO, does a great job at bringing us content for everyone to use.
I'll still be visiting this site to learn more and help out where I can, but on a limited basis.
Thanks for all your inspiration and kind comments pertaining to my work. I truly appreciate it.
Hopefully I'll be able to make a triumphant return in the future!