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Tablets are the new consoles


I don't know how many of you will agree with me but I think tablets will be the future of gaming. In 2 years they will be as powerful as your favorite console with so many more advantages. Its too late for Nintendo, but Microsoft and Sony could push for their new consoles to be in tablet form. I don't know ****s and giggles lol.
As an avid gamer I'm going to have to disagree. I own a tablet as well as all 3 current systems. A tablet makes a great device for light gaming but there really isn't any game out there that can compete with console or computer games. Sure you can bring up the argument that GTA3 is out for tablets/phones but it doesn't feel right. Maybe its just me but the touch controls/ button layout doesn't feel right on the game. It's not a real complicated game with many buttons to learn but with simple controls like that it still doesn't feel right and it certainly doesn't compare to a traditional controller.

Now if you can port games over and use a traditional controller like a dualshock then I can see it being a threat. What's in danger is portable consoles, not home consoles.

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The way I see it as the tablet is the base device. Hook it up to tv via HDMI, Bluetooth controllers and or play it on the go. Right now no, but in 2 years they will be more powerful by far. Its a digital age and it makes sense to me.
The way I see it as the tablet is the base device. Hook it up to tv via HDMI, Bluetooth controllers and or play it on the go. Right now no, but in 2 years they will be more powerful by far. Its a digital age and it makes sense to me.
Indeed it makes sense, but who knows if tablets will have the same power it does now. Sure it'll be able to pass Nintendo as they almost completely ignore hardware for game quality, but in terms of Microsoft and Sony, I don't see tablets passing it. Two years from now is quite a long time for technology and tablets will get better, but in that short amount of time they could also be phased out (though I doubt it). I just don't think tablets will ever catch up to the power of console gaming, it's just too much to put into a slim/portable device. Who really knows though, they're already saying the next generation of consoles could be the last as it's getting too expensive among other things.

I definitely see where you're coming from, but to say tablets are the new consoles right now, not true at all. Nintendo and Sony have worked on taking their home console games and playing it on portable devices via the Vita or in the future wii u games through the 3DS. It's their way of keeping portable gaming relevant in this day and age of cell phones/tablets. We'll definitely have to wait and see though
I didn't say that they are the new consoles I said they will be. Just like PC gaming the tablets will evolve every year while consoles are stuck they way they are made for 5-6 years now. Tech is getting better and smaller so I don't see the power issue being an issue. Plus there's the cool factor and the convenience factor.
I didn't say that they are the new consoles I said they will be. Just like PC gaming the tablets will evolve every year while consoles are stuck they way they are made for 5-6 years now. Tech is getting better and smaller so I don't see the power issue being an issue. Plus there's the cool factor and the convenience factor.
Your thread title says different :)

The only thing I see tablets catching up to and surpassing is portable gaming (PSP, DS, Vita, 3DS, etc.), but again who really knows. For now tablet games are aimed at the casual gamer with a port of a game that's over 10 years old (GTA III), struggling a bit. It is the same game, but the fact that it's on touch screen makes it a bit difficult to play. If they really wanted tablet gaming to pick up they easily could've gotten controller support for that game via bluetooth controller already.

2 years is a long time by mobile standards, which tablets pretty much are following. If they're going to try and replace home consoles they're going to need much more time imo. In order to replace gaming consoles they need to have the gaming mentality. Tablets are built for portability, browsing, and light media. I don't see the direction of tablets going Gaming first and everything else second. I'll be happy to see ports of older games onto tablets instead of busting out the ps2 or something, but I don't see home consoles being replaced for a long while.
Lol maybe I should've added a question mark. Now I see what ign goes through. I think its the future really. Consoles are becoming more and more entertainment media's than anything. With additions like Netflix, Hulu, HBO, ESPN and browsing makes them more than just games system. The only problem with a game system is that its only accessible via a TV. Casual gaming and serious gaming can coexist on the same platform. The Wii had a lot of good games but most people probably never new about them. Back on topic though, with a tablet you can have all of that plus portability which is the convenience that most people love to have. All a console is, is a box. All I'm saying is replace the box with a tablet.
It's going to be a loooooooooooong time before tablets match the capabilities of a fully built gaming rig. As to being the base unit for consoles, maybe, because Sony and Microsoft would definitely love to get crossover sales that way, especially allowing people who wouldn't be playing their systems and games normally to get hooked. Still, it's not exactly just over the horizon I don't think, because you're talking about extra integration to get a top end console that also has a properly functioning screen. We shall see.

MIUI tested, mother approved.
I disagree. You'd need more disk space which couldn't be flash memory if you didn't use a disk drive which would be really expensive, or you'd have to use a disk drive which would eat up space. Also for a tablet, you need to include a screen, and keep size, weight and price to a reasonable level. With a console, they don't have the size, weight and screen to worry about.

Also, if you had to load games onto a tablet instead of popping in a disc on a console, that would be a major pain. I have like 3+ gigs just on updates to BF3 alone and that's not counting the actual game or any other games.

brad92 said:
I disagree. You'd need more disk space which couldn't be flash memory if you didn't use a disk drive which would be really expensive, or you'd have to use a disk drive which would eat up space. Also for a tablet, you need to include a screen, and keep size, weight and price to a reasonable level. With a console, they don't have the size, weight and screen to worry about.

Also, if you had to load games onto a tablet instead of popping in a disc on a console, that would be a major pain. I have like 3+ gigs just on updates to BF3 alone and that's not counting the actual game or any other games.


You do realize this is a digital age and most games will go digital. I'm talking big epic games. Pretty soon disk based games will be gone too if developers have their way. Everything you mentioned about display and space is an issue now but 2 years from now, no. You can only wear a one pair of shoes at a time. Android has come a long way in a short period of time. It will not be long from now.
bacK_N_87 said:
You do realize this is a digital age and most games will go digital. I'm talking big epic games. Pretty soon disk based games will be gone too if developers have their way. Everything you mentioned about display and space is an issue now but 2 years from now, no. You can only wear a one pair of shoes at a time. Android has come a long way in a short period of time. It will not be long from now.

That's where it's going, but I doubt it's happening anytime soon.

The home Internet here in America is so fragmented that the download speeds to get a 20GB game isn't there. Unless you're cool with waiting longer than it would take to get it at a store.

Plus you have countries like Japan who primarily do mobile Internet over home based. All digital isn't going to work well with them.

It's coming, but not for a while.