T-Mobile and Verizon Note 7 Orders Are Shipping NOW!

Miller, no worries. When you hit the tracking number of the VZ email, you get to Fed Ex. Below the 'In Transit" area, there is a button for customize delivery.. Hit it and you will have delivery options such as a digital signature. I think there is even an option for instructions, but I could be wrong there.
NOW the Note 7 is shipping! On truck for delivery today!
NOW the Note 7 is shipping! On truck for delivery today!
Tracking info hasn't updated yet to show it's arrived in El Paso, but according to the email UPS sent me yesterday it's supposed to deliver today as well.
T-Mobile now has unlimited data for $40 a month
$70 for individual, $40 for family plans. And If you want to use LTE speed when tethering, you'll have to pay $15 per month for 5GB of data.
Yeah my friend has been wanting me to switch for a while since he owns a couple T-Mobile franchises. After doing all the math, I'd be paying 2-3x more what I'm paying on Verizon for same service.