Syncing Issues With Facebook


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
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In contacts on my Moto Droid it shows the persons facebook twice or three times on some contacts but only once on some?

The persons status does not update on some of my contacts as well?

Anyone have this problem or a fix?
I have noticed this problem with mine, and i didn't find a specific way to fix it, short of fixing it when i did a reset for something else. The only thing i could think is that is kept updating the contacts more then once, and added multiple contacts. The reason I say this is because if you log into google, and go to contacts there are 2+ for each contact. This may have been something they fixed but until then I do not fully sync my contacts with facebook anymore. After the first time, the contacts were already synced with google (ones with phone numbers at least) so i just set to to only update the ones in my phone book. and so far i have not seen multiple contacts again. Not sure what is happening with sync, i'd rather not use the full sync until someone figures it out.
New2u, how do you set it to only sync with the phone book. I have a few contacts myself that have 3-4 facebook in them. Also some of my contacts I have have a contact for there phone number and then there is a second contact that has their email and facebook. How can I combine them? I can't find a way to edit to put their phone number in the facebook contact. Thanks
I synced my contacts with Facebook and I didnt really like the app on the phone because it doesnt let you see status updates or maybe I just dont know how to fully use it but after I logged out of the App, my phone wouldnt sync contacts at all. I had to reset it and then it worked perfectly. I use the browser to view Facebook as I did on my Berry. Thats the primary reason I switched, I love how fast and flawless the browser works!!
To get rid of this,(I had the same problem, I think it happened because the first few days i owned the phone i was turning it off and on, and since I have it all set up I haven't turned it off in a week or so, so it's been fine) Just go to the facebook app, and unsync your contacts, back out of facebook, then just go back into it and resync it and all your contacts will only have one.
Thanks for the tip, Omega! Just came in searching for a solution for multiple Facebook profiles in my contacts and followed your instructions. Worked perfectly. :)