
What is all this talk of pirating swype...is the beta registration closed because if you go to swype and register they will send you a legit download link via email and email you with updates so it doesn't expire.
What is all this talk of pirating swype...is the beta registration closed because if you go to swype and register they will send you a legit download link via email and email you with updates so it doesn't expire.

It will still expire, Unless they have changed their business plan swype will be OEM only and not available for purchase.
Just search for SlideIT in the market. Does the same thing and works a charm.
I tried it back when it was a closed beta and couldnt get it to work, when it became public one of the guys I work with was saying how awesome it is on his nexus one and installed it for one of our other coworkers on her droid but i couldnt get it to work on mine. I just switched roms and reinstalled it and i must say its pretty damn useful in portrait mode, i hated trying to type on that tiny little keyboard. I still like to use the tap keyboard in landscape mode though.

If this becomes a paid app when its final, id definitely buy it, its worth the money.
I to just downloaded it a couple days ago. I admit that i was a non believer but after using it for a couple of days, its friggin' awesome. (just wish it capitalized the first letter after a period)

I agree. This is the only real gripe I have with Swype at this point (mind you, I've only been using it for 2 days). I would prefer it to capitalize the first letter of each sentence by default instead of requiring the "swype above the keyboard method". I imagine that, more often than not, people want the first letter of their sentences capitalized.
Actually it does,in proper writing there is a space after a period always.So after a period add a space and it will capitalize the next letter.But I never really do that on a day to day basis when I type or whatever.I just take that letter into the text area to make it capitol.Maybe they will put an option for that when the non beta comes out.

I looked for this for a week or two cause I heard good things about it so I went to the website and registered for the beta.Last week they sent me a link to it. I tried it and did not really like it (did not know how to use it).I gave it another try after the tut (imagine that directions helped lol)I love it.It is amazing how I trace a word get off path go back to a missed letter and it knows.Like Bo knows :icon_eek: