M wife has a D1 2.2.1 rooted stock. At work thay added softwear to see if anybody is using their network unarithized, it also detects wifi devices. Several of the people their have androrid phones ( another D1, D2 and a Fanissate) and some blackberrys, If they turn on their WIFI it comes up as Verizon on the system. if they turn off wifi no more problem. My wifes phone comes up as the name of her laptop. She can turn off wifi, and bluetooth and it stil shows up. also it shows everytime she makes a call and what number she is calling or called from and how long she is connectted. Again she is the only one. The funny thing is she has never connected her phone to her laptop all the rooting was done on mine. She did recently install dropbox to both ther laptop and her phone. I had her deleate it form the phone but it is still doing it. Any ideas? the softweat that is picking it up is netstumbler 0.4.0
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