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Standard Dock No Longer Working

I bought the standard dock from VZW the same day I bought my Bionic. At first, everything was gravy; I set my phone on the dock, and the docking options came up. Easy enough, right?? I bought it to use mostly as an alarm clock, which it was doing perfectly----at first. I started to notice when I'd wake up in the middle of the night because of some bright light that that light was coming from my docked phone which all of a sudden wasn't in docking mode, but in some other screen, like the music player or options or some other random screen. So I'd switch it back and go to sleep. I'm noticing that this is happening every night now. Even now, this morning, when I took it off the dock and put it back on, within an hour or so, the music player screen was up instead of the clock again. Does anyone know why it's doing this?? I'm not sure if this is impeding the actual alarm clock function because so far, I've been able to wake up and either set it back to the clock mode or just take it completely off the dock before the alarm goes off. I'd hate to sleep through it one night and find out it messes with my alarm and I miss work.

I've tried rebooting, removing the battery, changing the desktop options.... Everything short of rooting. The dock is the Moto brand from VZW and I'm using the adapter it came with, so it's not any of the components (I think). Is anyone else having these problems? Would it be some kind of software glitch or something? I don't understand how it could work swimmingly the first few weeks then all of a sudden crap out on me and fail to do the one function it's supposed to do.
Is you phone in a case? Do you have the dock insert removed?

No, no case. I do have a Skinomi skin on, though. And it still fits in the insert. I took out the insert to see if that makes any difference, but now my phone is all wobbly in the dock.... We'll see if the clock function stays this way. It would suck if it did 'cause now it's not a good fit.
I have no problems like that with the Standard Dock.

I'm going naked with just the extended battery cover.

Hope you get it resolved. Else, perhaps your house is haunted. :) Phone possessed :)
It sounds like you maybe have selected a setting either within the alarm, music player or some other app that is automatically opening an app when docked? Did you accidentally set an alarm or alert using music or music app? Just some suggestions... if all else take it back for a new one.
It sounds like you maybe have selected a setting either within the alarm, music player or some other app that is automatically opening an app when docked? Did you accidentally set an alarm or alert using music or music app? Just some suggestions... if all else take it back for a new one.

Well, even with the insert out, it still got out of the clock screen and into the music player screen, so you might be right, it must've been something I did with the music settings. I don't have any music on my phone and I'm not sure why it'd do that, but I went into the dock settings and set it to silence all sounds except for media and alarms as well as turned off the music option on the clock, so hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow to a clock and not some random screen. My alarm has always been set to an actual alarm and not some song since I have yet to load any media onto my phone. I put the insert back in; I couldn't deal with a wonky $50 dock. If this doesn't work, I'm not sure what I'll do... I don't have the receipt anymore (I don't know why I always absent mindedly throw those out all the time.)
Well, even with the insert out, it still got out of the clock screen and into the music player screen, so you might be right, it must've been something I did with the music settings. I don't have any music on my phone and I'm not sure why it'd do that, but I went into the dock settings and set it to silence all sounds except for media and alarms as well as turned off the music option on the clock, so hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow to a clock and not some random screen. My alarm has always been set to an actual alarm and not some song since I have yet to load any media onto my phone. I put the insert back in; I couldn't deal with a wonky $50 dock. If this doesn't work, I'm not sure what I'll do... I don't have the receipt anymore (I don't know why I always absent mindedly throw those out all the time.)

Well if you bought it from a vzw store you don't need the receipt.
Well if you bought it from a vzw store you don't need the receipt.

Really?? Awesome! I still have the box, and even the bag it came in, so if I'm still having an issue, I'll probably just swing by the VZW this week. And I'm hoping this won't be an issue anymore. I had a night time ambient noise app I tried out and since deleted, and I'm hoping that it was that app that was trying to start or something. After your first post I went ahead and made sure it was fully deleted, residual files and all, and hopefully that does the trick. And if not, please god let this be the dock and not a problem with the actual phone....
OK, I just thought I'd update you guys on my possibly possessed phone and/or standard dock:

I deleted the apps I thought I wouldn't be using much as well as the night time sound app (Sleepytime) just in case it was that app that was kicking on at night by itself and causing me grief. I also installed and ran AVG antivirus (unless someone else has a better recommendation; that brand has worked well for me on my computers) and it said all my stuff seemed to be in order. So I docked it again last night and went to sleep. When I woke up early this morning, I saw that the music menu bar was up on my clock screen, which I thought I had disabled last night. No biggie, I thought, the clock is still on display, so I just closed the bar and went back to sleep. I woke up again later this morning and saw that my phone was now displaying the App Market. More specifically, it was on the page with MY CREDIT CARD INFO. When I looked at it, all these random numbers and characters were punched in and it concerned me a bit. So I backed out it until I got to the homescreen and undocked my phone. Well, a couple hours later, I went online to check my email and saw I had a Google Checkout receipt for some movie I've never heard of. Apparently, my Bionic is now purchasing stuff while I sleep. I called Google to explain and try to get a refund. I told the operator he probably wouldn't believe me before I explained my situation, and oddly enough, he said he did. He said this isn't the first time he's heard of this happening, but he's not sure what the problem is. So I set up a pin authentication for all my future app purchases, and hopefully, that will stop that. I then packed up my dock and took it back to VZW. I explained to the rep there what had happened and told him before I was able to ignore it, but I can't have my phone ordering stuff in my sleep. He said he's never heard of this happening before and basically advised me to do everything I already did (delete apps). The next option, he said, would be a factory reset. I asked if it could be the dock (please let it be the dock) and he said it might. So tonight I'll charge my phone sans dock to see if it does anything sketchy, and if it doesn't, I'll exchange the dock. If it does, I'll have to reset my phone..... I'll update tomorrow..... :icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil:
Electrical Issues

This may not seem related at first, but hang in there.

I used to have an OG Droid. At some point I purchased some off-brand wall chargers. When I would use them, my phone would start freaking out, typing random things etc. It was as though an invisible finger was messing with the touchscreen. The phone was still fine when I use the OEM chargers. I could use the off-brand ones as long as I locked the screen. Anyway, I don't know much about electricity - but it is my understanding that these are capacitive touch-screen which means they are affected by electricity. If something electrical was just a little off in the wall charger I guess it causes the touchscreen to react as though it is being touched.

The off-brand wall chargers do the same thing with my new Bionic. I understand you are using the Motorola brand dock - but maybe there is something off electrically in either your dock, the wall plug, or your phone? I realize this is *way* late but thought it might be helpful to others.
I got this issue resolved.. Turns out it wasn't the phone or the charger; it was an app I had installed (Seal). After factory resetting, I started loading my apps on there one by one until I found the culprit. Uninstalled it and got another app locker (App Locker Pro) and now it works like a charm :biggrin: