Sony closed out the night with the final press conference before the official start of E3 2013. With everything riding on this event, Sony held no punches...NONE! Taking their competition head-on, Sony took off the gloves, threw on some brass knucks, and went to work!
PlayStation Vita
- 85+ Vita games coming out by the end of the year, including: God of War 1 & 2, Final Fantasy X & X-2, Flower, and Dead Nation.
PlayStation 3
- New trailers for Gran Turismo 6, The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, & Arkham Origins (including exclusive DLC)
PlayStation 4
- Release Date: Holiday 2013
- $399, no camera included, no other sku's detailed
- The PS4 console itself was revealed
- Complete support for used games, no DRM
- No "Always Online" requirement to play games
- No 24-hour "ping checks"
- PlayStation Plus membership carries over to the PS4, required to play online multiplayer
- PlayStation Plus members get DriveClub: PS Plus Edition for free on day one
- PlayStation Plus members will get one free game per month, continuing the Instant Game Collection program
- Gaikai Cloud Service not launching until 2014
- Flixster and Redbox Instant are coming to PSN
- Nine indie games debuting first on PS4
- Final Fantasy versus XIII has been renamed to Final Fantasy XV
- Elder Scrolls Online is coming to the PS4 in Spring 2014
- Launch titles include: Knack, Killzone Shadow Fall, and DriveClub
- inFAMOUS: Second Son is due in Q1 2014
- New Game Announcements - The Order: 1886, Kingdom Hearts 3, Mad Max, & 9 new indie titles
- Key demos and trailers include - inFAMOUS: Second Son, Final Fantasy XV, Killzone: Shadow Fall, DriveClub, Assassin's Creed IV, Watch Dogs, and Destiny
The reaction to Sony's direct jabs at Microsoft were off the charts! Biggest reaction I've ever seen during an E3 press conference. With the PS4 coming in at $100 less than the Xbox One and not requiring internet and DRM checks, Sony hit it out of the park. I also love the look of the console. It's very reminiscent of the PlayStation 2 design. As always, just in case anyone missed it, I have the entire Sony conference below.
For more discussions on the PS4 be sure to check out the Gaming Forum:
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