Shame no marketing dollars went to the Droid Eris.

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I can play this game too :D

omgz my DROID so pwnzors your Eris haha... Your just mad because your phone is inferior to mine! Who here that has a DROID wishes they had an Eris? nobody... ha, your a joke.
Glad you like it. I could go on the eris forums, and say how much better the droid is, but I'm having too much fun actually using/playing with my phone to take the time. Shame you aren't having the same experience with yours. :motdroidhoriz:
and I am not a troll, I just dont see what the hype is over the moto droid....

What's wrong grimmy? Having buyers remorse and trying to justify it by tearing down the droid? The name eris doesn't have the air of testosterone you crave? Chose the eris over the droid because it looks better with your man-purse?

Well don't worry! The eris is still a great phone. Your friends won't like you any less for choosing the second tier android phone on vzw. You're welcome here, we'll help you with your confidence issues. :)
Grim why continue with these threads in the Droid forum? There is an Eris section here. Where you will find happy Eris owners to discuss this with.

Post things like this there. It's more appropriate don't you think?
errrrr....this is Droid General Discussion...there are two Droid phones. I dont think you understand what "Droid" actually means....It stands for Android, the Google OS. Droid is a series of Verizon phones that run Android OS hence the term "Droid".

Motoroal Droid
HTC Droid Eris
I like the Eris, I think it's a nice phone. I'd love to get one for my wife, but she just got her Storm in July so she's out of luck. She hates the Storm by the way.
This thread has been moved to the eris board. Grim, you are allowed to your opinion. As already stated to you in many other threads. Please don't come touting wrong info and expecting reactions from other members. I'm not calling you a troll in any manner.

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