now this will make someone like me that flashes roms alot and changes init.d alot and the prop file...
should work fine now i just need someone to review it and make sure its fine, plus i need permission to upload the files... then the script will use wget
any help would be great
should work fine now i just need someone to review it and make sure its fine, plus i need permission to upload the files... then the script will use wget
# variables that start with a "c" that can be changed or removed.
c3="#add your tweaks here"
c4="#add your tweaks here"
c5="#add your tweaks here"
#do not change unless you know what you're doing
system="-t ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system /system"
# mount system rw so changes can be made
mount -o rw,remount $system
# make directory for stuff
if [ ! -d $sdcard/];then
mkdir $sdcard/
# extract stuff if downloaded from droidforums
if [ -f /sdcard/];then
mv /sdcard/ > $sdcard/
unzip $sdcard/
if [ -f /system/.custom_script_already_ran];then
echo "no need to run twice"
exit 0
echo -e "$(cat /system/build.prop)\n""$c1\n""$c2\n""$c3\n""$c4\n""$c5\n" > /system/build.prop
echo "$(cat $sdcard/99gofasterth3ory) > /system/etc/init.d/99gofasterth3ory
echo "$(cat $sdcard/97cron) > /system/etc/init.d/97cron
chmod 0555 /system/etc/init.d/*
echo *> /system/.custom_script_already_ran
mount -o rw,remount $system
any help would be great

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