Screen Dust

Hugh Jass

Senior Member
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not positive this is in the right place, but I figured it'd be close enough. The very upper right hand corner of my screen has dust. I work construction so I expect a small amount of dust to get in somehow someway, but there is enough that when in the sunlight I can barely make out whats underneath a half inch by half inch square right where the time is displayed, and I think the volume rocker is to blame for this. So my options are to replace my phone and have to unroot, reprocess everything, re-download everything exc..or try to take the screen apart and simply learn how to clean it.

Has anyone got any experience in this? Any stepped schematics that would help me tackle this? Or do I just get a new one and start over again and pray the issue is resolved?

Thanks in advance.
I would go for the new one and try not to get dirt in it this time...

Get yourself some kind of case for your Droid
I personally would opt for the return....
Dust getting under the lens is a valid reason for warranty replacement if you so desire. Do this over the phone, not at a. Verizon store. You probably will get a refurb.
Yeah, if you can return it, then go for it.
I hear going through the insurance yields a new device instead of a refurbished one, any validity to this? Any other Pro's/Con's to going through Verizon or insurance?
I'm pretty sure insurance gets you a refurb. Call VZ on the phone and they'll likely send you a new phone 2-day air. You can stick the busted one back in the box and ship it off.
*sigh* Fair enough I suppose. I just wish I didn't have to start over, but oh well. The droid is worth it by all means.
I'll put it this way, if it were my 3yr old $1,100 laptop that was doing this I'd be much less enthused and a lot more pissed. lol.
I would do it over the phone with MOTO. I went to Verizon with the same issue and because the manager "Couldn't see the dust (BS!!)" He said: "It would be cheaper for me to lose you as a customer than to replace your phone..." HOW CRAZY IS THAT???